(Here's a photo from the post below--I'll put two more down there; take a look!)
Location: My apartment in Cluj-Napoca, just after 3am on the morning August 30--Happy Birthday, M.!
Yes, you read it correctly, I am in my apartment in Cluj. Since when do I have an apartment in Cluj? Since last evening. Let me tell you the story so God gets the glory.
Yesterday morning I did not get to go to gather with the church in worship, because I was helping my friends prepare to continue their travels to Brasov. Their bus came as scheduled, but it was full. I tried to thumb them a ride, but no one stopped, so we headed to the train station and managed to book them a ticket. At the same time, I bought a ticket to Cluj, where I plan to meet up briefly with a friend from the United States. My train was late and theirs was on time, so our trains pulled into the station at the same time, and we left in different directions.
As I am to meet J. at the train station at 4am, my plan was to arrive in Cluj and find some hotel rooms, as well as to research my return to Sighisoara. I also hoped to find a sandwich or some simple food somewhere, not always easy when many stores are closed on Sundays. I asked my seat-neighbor on the train for motel recommendations, and he gave me some ideas and then gave me his phone number in case I could not find anything, he had an extra room. Imagine inviting a stranger to stay in your house that night, knowing he had to go to the train station at 4am! Talk about a hospitable heart!
I arrived at 5pm, learned the returning train schedules, and headed toward the bus station to discover any possibilities there. As I walked, I passed two girls dressed the way many Protestant Christian women dress here, and at the last moment, I realized I might be able to go to church. I stopped the startled gals and found out that they were, indeed, Christians on the way to worship, and they told me of a nearby church--worship would begin at six. After pricing one hotel and visiting the bus station, I managed to find the church. That is when everything started happening; the Spirit of the Lord had definitely prepared my way; thanks be to God!
I walked up to three men in my shorts and tee shirt to ask if there was a restroom where I could change clothes. Immediately they began scrambling to accommodate me, offering me a classroom as a changing room. After I had changed, another man was waiting to usher me into service, and I had to interrupt him to ask if he could show me to the restroom before worship started. Then he led me to a seat and sat with me, asking me why I was in Cluj-Napoca. (He enjoyed filling me in on what was going on, and he demonstrated his knowledge of some English and Spanish, telling me about his relatives in Spain and collegues in the USA. He also is related to the folks I worked with at the wheelchair distribution the first month I was in Romania.) Worship was very truth-filled and exhorting, and I thanked the Lord for bringing me.
Following the service, my pew-neighbor led me outside, and then explained that he had an apartment I could use, even though it was across town. So I went with him to his home. Before I knew it, I had met two of his eight children, and his wife had prepared me one of my favorite Romanian dishes, sarmale, along with a wonderful soup and plums fresh from their own tree. So I dined like a king, and then learned that this brother owns a construction business and dozens (I think) of apartments. So he got out his keys and showed me mine, providing exactly what I needed, without the fees I was expecting to have to pay. So J. does not know it yet, but when I find her at the train station, she will have a place she can come to for a shower and nap after a long night train, a place where we can leave her baggage as we visit in town today.
Incredible? No. Sovereign!
As I toured my apartment last night after my host left, I was laughing out loud with joy. Look at how our good provides! Extra rooms and meals and apartments! I truly came to town not knowing where I would stay, and now I am holding the key to the apartment I am in for the night. He said I can stay as long as I like! It reminds me of the disciples being sent out, taking nothing with them. Over and over this has happened to me, where the Lord has provided me with a roof, a bed, a meal, money, or help, just as I needed it. This time is just a bit more dramatic! Each time, though, I want to give God the glory by thanking Him for the great things He has done, and by testifying to you.
May you be encouraged! Our Father is trustworthy and true. He cares for us, and we will not be disappointed if we surrender all of our needs and wants and lives to Him.
Let me know when you will be in Cluj-Napoca! My host told me that you could stay in one of his apartments!