Location: Sighisoara, Romania, now about 20 till 9AM on the 8th of August.
Ok, so like I guessed, I do not really have time to write, but I want to fill you in while I have internet access. Besides, I am in a lot better spirits than when I wrote the post below (there are actually two new ones below...), so I want to leave you with a positive image of J.'s life in Romania.
Here are the highlights. We put a roof on a house last week in a neighboring village, and we have to finish it Monday. It was fun, but hot, and I was thankful when the Lord gave us two days of complete cloud cover with no rain, making our job a lot cooler! However, Friday rolled around and found us under the hot afternoon sun in the garden. I was a bit envious of the kids swimming in the pool, and so suddenly I decided to take of my shoes, empty my pockets, and jump in--fully clothed! Then I went back to the garden, sopping wet. It was great! I did not regret it at all!
The first big blessing that day had been that I got my bike repaired! I had been told to take it to a bike shop, but I do not know of one in the area. Then a visiting young man from Switzerland came by, and I found out that he was a bike repairman. Working through a 10-year-old translator, I asked him about my bike, and he repaired it for me! The bike shop came to me! Things got even better later that night, after I had been musing about my tough week and trying to rest at home. When I went to the neighbor's place to buy some fresh milk, they told me that it would be a good evening for my horse-and-cart driving lesson! I had been wanting to learn for some time, so it was with great glee that I drove the cart through the village that night!
Yesterday, I finally got my Sabbath, and hitchhiked into town after relaxing in the morning. How refreshing it was after four weeks without a break! One of the hardest days was last Monday, when we cleaned up after the camp immediately following a hectic Sunday that included travel to and from a choir concert. I worked all day without a break, and it was very hot and nasty work. At the end of the day, I was thinking, "Lord, how did this day bring you glory? I tore apart toilets and loaded trailers with tables and took down tents; I was hungry, a little grumpy, and a lot tired." The Lord then reminded me how thankful my boss was for the help, and I realized that I had increased the respect he has for me, something that hopefully encouraged him this week, and may play a role in the future as we work together and God gives me wisdom or insights.
Do you ever feel like what you are doing could in no way further the Kingdom of God? Blink once or twice, and try to look at it from our Father's perspective. If you are the Lord's prized son or daughter, and if everything you do you do for the Lord, then it will further His Kingdom, and He will be glorified--I promise!
Sorry, I have to run! I am going to try to make it to church before we meet for today's choir concert--we will be singing at someone's wedding. Thanks for listening and bearing with this quick post. Even more, thanks for your prayers. Remember that everything is spiritual. I am praying for you, too, and I bless you in the Name of Christ Jesus the Lord!