Location: Back steps of my house, 1:15pm on Monday the 16th of August
You probably did not know that I almost got divorced. And when you hear that, most of you probably want to know when I got married!
The Church is the Bride of Christ, and She is holy. Like me, you have probably been hurt by the Church. You probably see its flaws and its failures. Maybe you have even divorced yourself from the Church. There was a time in my life when it would have been easy to turn my back on the Church, deciding that there was no hope, that I could be a Christian without the Church. I have met many such people, disillusioned with the Church, labeling her a hopeless case.
When you do that, you are essentially getting a divorce. You are saying that it is impossible that God could be working in that group of people, and since I want Him to work in me, I will have nothing to do with those folks! Just like in a divorce, when one or both spouses says, "I do not care about the covenant agreement I made at my wedding, there is no more hope for this marriage; it is impossible for God's love to ever be in this relationship!"
God works with what is impossible. Do you not remember that there is always a remnant? God completely destroyed mankind once, but he left Noah and his family, not to mentioned a couple of each animal. Israel was unfaithful to God and turned her back on Him, and He punished her, but he also forgave her and brought back a remnant of her people. In the book of Revelation we read about mass destruction, yet there will be remnant of the faithful who are saved.
It is the same with the Church. Maybe you see people stuck in meaningless religious traditions. Maybe you see Church leaders with hard hearts, warped by the power they feel. Maybe you see groups of people who cannot get along, who cannot agree on which Bible to read or how to sing in worship. Maybe it seems impossible that the Church could ever be beautiful.
Listen to me: THE CHURCH IS HOLY! Even flawed as it is, God created it holy, and He intends to redeem it. Like the story of Hosea and Gomer, God is pursuing His Bride.
Do not give up on the Church. There is no such thing as a hopeless case. That goes for the Church, and it is also true of individuals. With Jesus, there is always hope! He transforms, heals, redeems, saves!
Do you believe that all things are possible with God?
Do you really?
Then fight against what is called impossible and hopeless! God will not forsake His beloved, even when His beloved forsake Him!