Location: Living Room/Dining Room/My Bedroom in "our" apartment in Sighisoara (13 January, about 3:30pm)
Yes, the Lord has blessed me with a very good living situation, and with a patient roommate. These photos will give you an idea of my bed, my roommate, and our view.
Certainly, good seems relative sometimes, but it is not. God is not just good because other things are bad. God is inherently good. In fact, it is His goodness that sets the standard for all other goodness. Thanks to our good God, I have had some very good days this past week or two. You already ready about some of it as I wrote and posted pictures. Sunday was another beautiful day, and that evening I unexpectedly ended up "preaching" the skeleton of that early morning sermon in a church I had never visited. Monday found me walking in the rain in a village that has been on m
Yes, I am often thought to be good; sometimes I am even told that I am: a good Christian, a good roommate, good help, or that would make a good husband, etc. Is that true?
Sunday morning humbled me. I walked past a woman begging for a handout, forgetting that I might as well be brushing off Jesus. I helped lead worship in church, so distracted by my responsibilities that I, myself, struggled to worship. I tried to discreetly slip some cash into the offering plate, wanting to be a good example to the children around me, but frustrated to be seen by a poor boy I know who already thinks I am a rich American and who thinks it is his job to tell everyone. So much for being a good Christian.
It was nice to have a "home" to go to after service, and I enjoyed being alone that afternoon. I try hard to be considerate of my host, but it seems like I often wake him up, buy some sort of grocery item he does not like, borrow something just when he needs it, or even break one of his drinking glasses. So much for being a good roommate.
Sure, I like to help out whenever I can, and I often do. Sometimes I am too eager, though, and I have startled unsuspecting pedestrians by offering to lend them a hand. Other times I see what needs to be done, but I do not know how to do it, so I end up standing around uselessly, or I do it wrong. Sometimes my leadership personality comes out when I am supposed to be serving humbly; sometimes I am loathe to continue working hard because it seems like no one else is contributing. So much for being good help.
Yeah, I am girl crazy; you probably know that. I often find myself attracted to God's beautiful daughters, and oddly enough, they often seem to like me, too. But with the typical masculine fear of commitment, a love of adventure that takes me into all kinds of unusual situations, an extreme appreciation of solitude and of the single life, and with no way to prove I could support a wife or a family, it turns out that I might not really make a good husband.
Why do I write this? I know it sounds like I am glum, and it is true, I was pretty down on Sunday morning. And with all of the important decisions I have to make during the next two weeks, with all the noes I have to say to people who will be disappointed by my plans that do not include them as much as they might like, and with a rather lengthy "To Do" list in my mind, maybe I should be more blue than I am. In fact, I am extremely happy right now.
I feel very free after finishing four months' of internship, and I maintain good relationships with the folks I left behind there. My new living situation is a blessing, as are the many friendships I have developed in the area. I am enthusiastic about the work God is doing in this area and the people here, and I believe the Church is on the edge of a real spiritual growth spurt. I am feeling more sure of the plans God has for me, and I trust Him in both the things I understand and the things that mystify me. I am looking forward to visiting some friends on the way to Paris, to visiting friends and family in the States for a couple of months, and then to a return to God's work here. I know that by grace alone I am blessed and highly favored of the Lord, and I want to use that identity to bless others--even you! And I have just had a wonderful few weeks here, with eyes looking at more wonderful weeks to come!
So why write about being good? Because only God is good. If I try to be good, I will most certainly fail. But if I surrender all that I am to the mercy of God, then He is free to pour His goodness into me, to expand me and grow me in His goodness, and to disseminate His goodness through me. The same goes for you.
Even though I often fail to be a good Christian, God has used me for His glory.
Even though I often fail to be a good roommate, I have been welcomed into many homes.
Even though I make mistakes in my work, God uses it for my good and for His glory.
Even though I will never be the perfect husband, God most likely has a godly gal out there who will want to try to turn me into him (just kidding!).
But seriously, only God is good. Only because God is good do I have hope. Only because of this God am I in Romania. Only because of God's goodness do I have the privilege of speaking into your life and of praying for you. May Jesus, God's living Word, be Who you "hear" as I type my heart to you. May you know Him as you hear the cries from the Haitian earthquake or the begger woman in the street. May you know Him as you become frustrated by folks at church who seem so rooted in their ways that even Revelations' seven trumpets would not shake them from their nostalgia. May you know Him as your eyes look at your family and your mind recalls your empty wallet and your unemployed qualifications, wondering what secret recipe will result in the feast you wish you could prepare for tonight's dinner.
Cling to this truth: God is good. Only God is good.
And we can know that God through His Son Jesus, who died and rose so that we could have life, who left His Spirit to work in us even when we had lost all hope. He clings to us when we are loosing our grip.
I do not know where you are right now; maybe I do not know even who you are, but I want to encourge you. I am in now Romania, where I have spent a large amount of my time in dirty, poverty-stricken villages that are crumbling away into forgotten forevers. I have seen joy and pain in Russia, in South Africa, in France, and in the United States. I have heard hope and despair in children with psychiatric disorders, in young people with disabilities, in prisoners, in suicidal men, in depressed women, in cancer victims, in drunkards, and more. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well-fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:12-13).
This "Him" is Jesus, the Son of the Living God, the Good God Who speaks compassion and comfort into our most difficult days, and who rejoices with us when we are exploding with delight. In the Name of this Jesus, who interceeds for you at the right hand of His Father, I bless you.
Today, let our God pour His goodness into you as He whispers words of delight and love into your heart. He is working for the good of those who love Him, in doing so, He is glorified!