Location: The apartment in Sighisoara, 12:30pm on the 14th of January.
A couple of years ago, I asked God to make me a prayer warrior, and He has been training me ever since. Below is something He showed me a few months ago, and I typed it into words and sentences yesterday for some friends of mine; I thought some of you might also find it helpful.
Though this seems like a lot, I have found that praying daily about the items below strengthens my body, mind, spirit, and prayer life. These words can and should be said differently, from the heart, but the ideas provide a guide to keep us focused in our prayers. Compare all of this with the Bible, and encourage others to pray according to the instructions of Scripture. May You be blessed, and may the Name of Jesus be praised!
May God's will be done.
~Ask for our Father's will to be done in our prayer time.
~Ask for our Father's will to be done in our life.
~Ask for our Father's will to be done in our day.
~Ask for our Father's will to be done in the Church, the Body of Christ.
I surrender my whole self to God.
~I will praise and serve You, Father whether or not I am healthy.
~Father, my body is temple of Your Holy Spirit, may it function according to Your holy design.
~Please protect (this part of the body) from (this danger or disease, etc.)...
~I also give You all my money, my possessions, my time, my plans and my future.
~I give You my strength, my reputation, my dreams, my desires and my needs.
~I will let You satisfy me.
~I give You my loved ones, my marriage, and my spouse.
~I give You the baggage I carry, my fears, my pride, and anything else that might distract me.
~Father, these are unconfessed sins in my memory...
~Father, I also confess these ungodly thoughts and fleshly desires...
~Father, I have been tempted in these ways lately...; please, keep me from falling to temptation.
Again today, I recommit myself wholly to You, God!
~Father, again today I choose to take up my cross and follow Jesus.
~Today, I will live as a new man, forgiven and renewed by You--the man You created me to be!
~Lord, I choose today to walk in Your ways, the only Way.
~Jesus, today and everyday I will give you the first place in everything!
Looking at the day ahead...
~Abba, I put this new day completely in Your Hands.
~May Your plans be fulfilled, not mine or someone else's.
~May You get all the glory, not me or anyone else.
~Father, You have given me the ability to work; thank you for the gift and privilege of work.
~May I complete the work you prepared for me today, the work for my hands, the work for my head.
~Lord, let my every thought, word, and action be Yours today.
~Father, I pray about today's weather. Let the weather bring Your Name glory today.
What do I need?
~God, You know my needs better than I. However, as far as I can tell these are my needs...
~Father, these are my spiritual needs...; I trust You to meet them.
~Father, these are my physical needs, including food and shelter for today, protection, etc...
~I thank You in advance for Your provision.
~Please let the fruit of Your Spirit be manifest in me today; let me display Your
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
~Father, please raise up prayer support for me; please call more men and women to pray for me.
Preparing for Battle
~Lord, in the Name of Jesus, I resist the Enemy, the Evil One, and He must flee far from me.
~I ask that You not let me fall into the hands of the Evil One; I will not give him a foothold!
~I pray against the Enemy's strongholds; I will march against them to destroy them, particularly...
~I will cast out demons in Your Name, Jesus; may they flee before me.
~Instead of any evil or unrighteousness or sin, let me be filled completely with Your Gospel.
I cannot thank You enough!
~Abba, I thank You for the many blessings of yesterday and in the past, especially for...
~Father, thank You for the blessings of today, already and yet to come!
~Abba, thank You in advance for the blessings You will give me tomorrow and the days to come.
~How I thank You for the recent special blessings You gave me, for instance...!
~Father, I also want to thank You for the mundane blessings that I tend to overlook, such as...
Father, please do not let me take You for granted!
~Especially today, do not let me take Your presence for granted.
~Have I been taking Your grace, Your forgiveness, or Your love for granted?
~How about Your holiness, Your beauty, or Your power?
~Maybe Jesus will return today, I might die! Do I take it for granted that tomorrow will come?
~Am I forgetting to be aware of spiritual warfare, of spiritual battles that affect my life?
~Please do not let me take for granted the resources and abilities You have given me.
~I do not want to assume that the plans, projects, and activities I am doing are Yours--are they?
~Am I forgetting to look at the problems and limits around me from Your perspective?
~Do I take for granted that You will meet my needs, without even asking You?
~Have I taken for granted the blessings You give, or have I thanked You properly?
~Do I assume that the status quo can never change?
~Have I taken for granted my calling, or am I approaching this day with it in mind?
~Is there anything else I am taking for granted, anything else I need to pay more attention to?