Location: J.'s apartment in Sighisoara, Romania; 5:30 am on the 10th of January
Yes, I hope to go back to sleep before church; I was up late, and I have a lot to do today and this week. I did not get much done yesterday, and writing a blog post is not my priority right now. Nevertheless. my Father woke me up a half-hour ago and urged me to read in His Word. He took me to a passage that I read just a day or two ago (John 6), and I knew He was teaching me something I was slow to understand. Now, though I am tired, this teaching is burning within me--I have to share it. It is a teaching for me, but also for at least one of you, and I would be remiss if I kept it to myself. This is a hard teaching, and may be a long post, but bear with me.
John 6 is a familar story: Jesus feeds the Five Thousand. However, John tells the story very different from the other Gospel writers, and this time let us make some observations. Open your Bible and read with me.
1. Jesus is not interested in healing the people; certainly He does heal them ("all who are sick" we are told), but that is not His goal. In fact, here He is apparently trying to escape the crowd seeking the Healer, and He literally "heads for the hills" with His disciples! (John 6:1-4)
2. Jesus is not interested in feeding the people; though the story is about a miracle of providing food, the following verses show very clearly that it is not His goal to provide food for the hungry. He is not establishing a "soup kitchen" or a "canned-food drive." (John 6:26, 38-40)
3. Jesus is not interested in ruling the people; not only do they want to make Him king, but they want to force Him to be king! Instead, He flees (John 6:14-15). Why?
4. (This is a really hard truth.) Jesus is fleeing from the people who are seeking Him, from the very people who want Him to be their Healer, their Provider, and their King. (John 6:1-3, 15, 24-25). They are telling Him, "We need You!" Picture this: A mob of at least five thousand men are chasing after Jesus, driving Him into the mountains in search of a little peace with His disciples. Even there they will not leave Him alone! It is not easy to escape such a crowd! How is it done, especially with only twelve men to help with "crowd-control"? Think about the celebrities who have to try to escape the public and the paparazzi. Either you try literally to run away, ducking into a hiding place, or you speak harshly with the people, trying to convince them to leave you alone. Neither seems very dignified nor appropriate for the Son of God, and however He had been fleeing, it obviously was not working. And we still have not answered the "why" question.
5. Jesus is fleeing because these people want Him for the wrong reasons. They need Him, it is true, but not in the way they think. They need a Savior, not a doctor, a food-distributer, a governor, or even a miracle worker. Jesus knows His purpose: to reveal God the Father and to bring Him glory (by fulfilling His Father's will). Jesus knows what is truly important: that people put their faith in Him as the "face" of the hitherto "invisible God (John 6:29, 38, and 46).
6. Jesus is wanting to teach the people. His aim in going to the mountains with the disciples, as well as in feeding the multitude, is to create an opportunity to teach the people (John 6:3, 6, 59). To do so, He must correct the misconceptions of the people or separate those who are ready to listen and learn from those who are merely seeking a handout or deliverance. In fact, I believe He already has in mind His teaching in verses 26 through 58 when He feeds the people in verses 5-13, knowing that He will have a platform to speak the truth of the Gospel in verses, but also that He will convince the "freeloaders" to leave Him alone (verses 60 and 66) in response to His teaching in verses 53 through 58, and 61 through 64.
7. Jesus does not let us overlook the details. Note the surprises. Though He is fleeing, He did heal the sick (before this chapter). He does (abundantly!) feed the crowd (in this chapter), making sure that none of the blessing is wasted (John 6:12-13). In fact, He is the one who proposed the food idea(John 6:5), which is not normally the first thought of a fleeing celebrity who sees the pursuing mob in the distance. And do not forget that He is actually is a king (John 18:37). It is also intersting to consider the contrasts with the other versions of this story in the New Testament; here the pleasant platitudes are left out, pushing us rapidly deeper into the chapter, to the message of His teaching. Even the miracle of His walking on water seems expressly recorded to bring us quickly to join Him in the synagogue at Capernaum (John 6:16-21).
8. The main point is clear and obvious: Jesus is the Bread of Life, sent from heaven to offer true life to the world (John 6: 27, 33, 35, 38-40, 44, 47, 48, 51, 58, 63). This is the Gospel, the Good News. Notice how this truth stands in stark contrast to error of those who have missed the point: the crude hunger of the mob, the objections of the religious leaders (here called "the Jews"), the idea that even one of Jesus' hand-picked followers is a "devil".
So what does this mean for us right here, right now? I cannot speak for you, but here are a few things the Lord was showing me.
1. Jesus did not help people just because there was a need. There are always people with needs.
2. Jesus did not get distracted from His purpose and calling even though there were many good ways He could serve the people (healing them, feeding them, ruling them, etc.). There are always good ways we can spend our time and energies, ways that really seem to benefit people in need.
3. When the people were not ready for the Truth, He fled, leaving behind disappointed people, His own popularity, and many opportunities to do good works. Nothing is worth doing if we miss the Truth, the main point of the Gospel. No charity is beneficial if it does not direct people to the Truth.
4. Jesus confronts incorrect belief, corrects it directly and with precision, even though it is unpopular. The Truth is the Truth, whether it is believed or not, whether it is popular or not.
5. Jesus wants to teach people. Sure, He cares for them in material ways, providing for them, protecting them, and more. But everything that He does, every moment of His life, is to teach the people around Him. Moment by moment, He is revealing God. Continuously, He is bring His Father glory. As He does this, He is training others to do the same thing.
When we keep our eyes on God, we will understand to what purpose He has called us, and how we can fulfill His will. Like Jesus, we are to reveal and glorify the Father, teaching the world that they can have true life through Jesus.
Finally, like me, maybe you need to ask yourself why you are (or are not) following Jesus. Are you just looking for healing, for bread, or for someone to stand up for you in a world of corruption and injustice? Or are you really willing to hear and accept His teaching. Are you seeking Jesus in such a way that He has to try to escape from your greedy hands, whiny complaints or selfish demands, or are you respectful of Him, recognizing that He wants to take you to a quiet place to teach you the ways of God?
God has hand-picked you to believe in Jesus and know that He is the Holy One of God, the Bread of Life. This Son of God offers you healing, provision, and justice as you follow Him away from the screaming world to the truth of eternal life, bought by a revolting death on a cross, paid for by a beautiful love, and assured by the presence of a risen King every step of the way. It is a hard teaching, a wonderful truth. Now it is your choice--which kind of bread do you want?
Yes, I hope to go back to sleep before church; I was up late, and I have a lot to do today and this week. I did not get much done yesterday, and writing a blog post is not my priority right now. Nevertheless. my Father woke me up a half-hour ago and urged me to read in His Word. He took me to a passage that I read just a day or two ago (John 6), and I knew He was teaching me something I was slow to understand. Now, though I am tired, this teaching is burning within me--I have to share it. It is a teaching for me, but also for at least one of you, and I would be remiss if I kept it to myself. This is a hard teaching, and may be a long post, but bear with me.
John 6 is a familar story: Jesus feeds the Five Thousand. However, John tells the story very different from the other Gospel writers, and this time let us make some observations. Open your Bible and read with me.
1. Jesus is not interested in healing the people; certainly He does heal them ("all who are sick" we are told), but that is not His goal. In fact, here He is apparently trying to escape the crowd seeking the Healer, and He literally "heads for the hills" with His disciples! (John 6:1-4)
2. Jesus is not interested in feeding the people; though the story is about a miracle of providing food, the following verses show very clearly that it is not His goal to provide food for the hungry. He is not establishing a "soup kitchen" or a "canned-food drive." (John 6:26, 38-40)
3. Jesus is not interested in ruling the people; not only do they want to make Him king, but they want to force Him to be king! Instead, He flees (John 6:14-15). Why?
4. (This is a really hard truth.) Jesus is fleeing from the people who are seeking Him, from the very people who want Him to be their Healer, their Provider, and their King. (John 6:1-3, 15, 24-25). They are telling Him, "We need You!" Picture this: A mob of at least five thousand men are chasing after Jesus, driving Him into the mountains in search of a little peace with His disciples. Even there they will not leave Him alone! It is not easy to escape such a crowd! How is it done, especially with only twelve men to help with "crowd-control"? Think about the celebrities who have to try to escape the public and the paparazzi. Either you try literally to run away, ducking into a hiding place, or you speak harshly with the people, trying to convince them to leave you alone. Neither seems very dignified nor appropriate for the Son of God, and however He had been fleeing, it obviously was not working. And we still have not answered the "why" question.
5. Jesus is fleeing because these people want Him for the wrong reasons. They need Him, it is true, but not in the way they think. They need a Savior, not a doctor, a food-distributer, a governor, or even a miracle worker. Jesus knows His purpose: to reveal God the Father and to bring Him glory (by fulfilling His Father's will). Jesus knows what is truly important: that people put their faith in Him as the "face" of the hitherto "invisible God (John 6:29, 38, and 46).
6. Jesus is wanting to teach the people. His aim in going to the mountains with the disciples, as well as in feeding the multitude, is to create an opportunity to teach the people (John 6:3, 6, 59). To do so, He must correct the misconceptions of the people or separate those who are ready to listen and learn from those who are merely seeking a handout or deliverance. In fact, I believe He already has in mind His teaching in verses 26 through 58 when He feeds the people in verses 5-13, knowing that He will have a platform to speak the truth of the Gospel in verses, but also that He will convince the "freeloaders" to leave Him alone (verses 60 and 66) in response to His teaching in verses 53 through 58, and 61 through 64.
7. Jesus does not let us overlook the details. Note the surprises. Though He is fleeing, He did heal the sick (before this chapter). He does (abundantly!) feed the crowd (in this chapter), making sure that none of the blessing is wasted (John 6:12-13). In fact, He is the one who proposed the food idea(John 6:5), which is not normally the first thought of a fleeing celebrity who sees the pursuing mob in the distance. And do not forget that He is actually is a king (John 18:37). It is also intersting to consider the contrasts with the other versions of this story in the New Testament; here the pleasant platitudes are left out, pushing us rapidly deeper into the chapter, to the message of His teaching. Even the miracle of His walking on water seems expressly recorded to bring us quickly to join Him in the synagogue at Capernaum (John 6:16-21).
8. The main point is clear and obvious: Jesus is the Bread of Life, sent from heaven to offer true life to the world (John 6: 27, 33, 35, 38-40, 44, 47, 48, 51, 58, 63). This is the Gospel, the Good News. Notice how this truth stands in stark contrast to error of those who have missed the point: the crude hunger of the mob, the objections of the religious leaders (here called "the Jews"), the idea that even one of Jesus' hand-picked followers is a "devil".
So what does this mean for us right here, right now? I cannot speak for you, but here are a few things the Lord was showing me.
1. Jesus did not help people just because there was a need. There are always people with needs.
2. Jesus did not get distracted from His purpose and calling even though there were many good ways He could serve the people (healing them, feeding them, ruling them, etc.). There are always good ways we can spend our time and energies, ways that really seem to benefit people in need.
3. When the people were not ready for the Truth, He fled, leaving behind disappointed people, His own popularity, and many opportunities to do good works. Nothing is worth doing if we miss the Truth, the main point of the Gospel. No charity is beneficial if it does not direct people to the Truth.
4. Jesus confronts incorrect belief, corrects it directly and with precision, even though it is unpopular. The Truth is the Truth, whether it is believed or not, whether it is popular or not.
5. Jesus wants to teach people. Sure, He cares for them in material ways, providing for them, protecting them, and more. But everything that He does, every moment of His life, is to teach the people around Him. Moment by moment, He is revealing God. Continuously, He is bring His Father glory. As He does this, He is training others to do the same thing.
When we keep our eyes on God, we will understand to what purpose He has called us, and how we can fulfill His will. Like Jesus, we are to reveal and glorify the Father, teaching the world that they can have true life through Jesus.
Finally, like me, maybe you need to ask yourself why you are (or are not) following Jesus. Are you just looking for healing, for bread, or for someone to stand up for you in a world of corruption and injustice? Or are you really willing to hear and accept His teaching. Are you seeking Jesus in such a way that He has to try to escape from your greedy hands, whiny complaints or selfish demands, or are you respectful of Him, recognizing that He wants to take you to a quiet place to teach you the ways of God?
God has hand-picked you to believe in Jesus and know that He is the Holy One of God, the Bread of Life. This Son of God offers you healing, provision, and justice as you follow Him away from the screaming world to the truth of eternal life, bought by a revolting death on a cross, paid for by a beautiful love, and assured by the presence of a risen King every step of the way. It is a hard teaching, a wonderful truth. Now it is your choice--which kind of bread do you want?