It is too late to write much, but I am not sure when I will be able to make more time. Right now, it seems I will leave town on Wedneday, and leave the country on Thurday, heading toward Switzerland and then France for the month of February, until a March plane takes me to the States for a couple of months.
It feels weird to be leaving this country that has been home for me these past several months. I do not want to leave right now, just went God is doing so much here, and when I have so many plans to make!
I have said before that despite the many different people groups present in Romania, I have noticed that so many persons (both women and men) have gorgeous eyes. Deep, penetrating eyes that reveal an untameable spirit. I got some new eyes (new glasses) on Thursday, and I am pleased with them, even if my eyes are tired as they adjust to the new prescription. In the same way, I have been trying to look at this country and its people through the eyes of God. I see them as they can be, not necessarily as they are right now, and I am excited about what I see!
When you are at the beginning of something beautiful and exciting, you are not inclined to walk away from it...
My foundation laying has been hampered a bit by some brief stomach illness, but I am feeling better now. Hopefully I will have a chance to post pictures of the bench I built, and also to tell more about the wonderful day I had today, meeting with fellow believers. I also want to alert you to the one who goes about like a roaring lion--he is attacking here and on the homefront, and he is merciless. Please be on your guard and in prayer; remember that he has already been defeated and that our Lord is greater.
That reminds me; I found this song I wrote in November, and I do not think I shared it with you. Be encouraged!
You may be greater than me
You may speak better than me
You may have crossed more nations than me
You may know more languages than me
You may be wiser than me
You may be richer than me
You may be stronger than me
You may be more popular than me
But you don't have a greater god than me!
He is Almighty!
There is no other like Him!
He loves me! He saves me! He lives in me!
I have known the Gypsies in Romania
I have known the immigrants in France
I have known the Zulus in South Africa
I have known the surviving teens in Russia
I have known the orphans of America
I have known the natives of Mexico
I have known the street people in the cities
I have known the hillbillies in the country
And God knows them better than me!
You don't have a greater god than me!
He is Almighty!
There is no other like Him!
He loves us! He saves us! He lives in us!
All the ways of the world kept us from reaching Him.
All the sins of the world kept us from knowing Him.
All the idols of the worlds kept us from seeing Him,
So He sent His Son, Jesus, to reveal Him! And He says,
You don't have a greater god than Me!
I am Almighty!
There is no other like Me!
I love you! I save you! I want to live in you!
You can't have a greater god than Me!
You won't have a greater god than Me!
There is no greater god than Me!
Thanks for your prayers! Look with me into the eyes of people who are seeing God at work!