A Good Hard Look at Romania
Location: Top level of a now noisy Personnel train, just pulling out of the Medias train station (it is just after 4pm on Wednesday, January the 27th)
I have now come full circle in the past week. Last Thursday found me strolling around Medias, killing time between my train and my bus. Both trains were classified at the level "Personnel," but ironically the one last Thursday was one of the finest I have traveled on in Romania, and today's seems only frozen together by the cold outside--I will only be sure that it really will make it to Sighisoara when I have finally arrived!
The past week has been a perfect microcosmic look at my adventures in Romania. I have told you before that while exciting and rewarding, adventure often hurts. I traveled hundreds of miles by train, bus, car, minibus, and foot, from Sighisoara to Balan to Oradea to Calan and now back. The fairly mild winter whether I left transformed into a frigid winter, and I spent many hours shivering in train station waiting areas that were, in theory, heated by the old radiators leaning against the walls. It was a good week, but hard. Here were some of the hardships:
A missed train in Calan, after two rather sleepless nights, one of which included an early morning display of food-poisoning or some such illness.
Getting pooped on by a bird-bomber as I entered school to teach English.
Mentally dueling with older junior-high school students who want to be too cool to respect their teacher.
Romanian conversations too far past the time of night when the Romanian side of my brain goes numb.
Running through Oradea to try to reunite with as many friends as possible in a mere three days.
Trying to juggle the right number of cell phone minutes as I prepare leave the country, balancing need with good stewardship.
Attendance at more church services in three days than all of last year (a slight exaggeration, but still not easy!)
Indefinite goodbyes as I take leave of friends who would like me to be around, but to whom I can describe no solid plans.
Understanding and responding appropriately to relational expectations as guest and resident, as friend and mentor, as boy and girl, as Christian and average Joe, as authority and servant.
So, yes, it was a hard past several days, but it was certainly worth it. I am not sorry I did it! Here are some of the blessings and smiles:
Nearly clocking a stranger with an orange I hurled across a train station waiting room!
Wonderful friends and lots of laughter!
Amazing hosts everywhere I visited!
The beauty of snow-covered Romania as seen by train!
"Chance" meetings with friends on the tram and in a church!
Fifth-graders chasing me down school hallways for my autograph! (M. and I team-taught SIX English classes yesterday, including one during our break, and we visited two or three others during their break times. We used a guitar, rap, "Lean of Me", and "Why did the chicken cross the road?" as well as man other activities. At one point, a girl yelled outside to four friends playing at recess, and they were so excited that they dropped what they were doing and ran to join us!)
A Romanian family, a Malaysian medical student, a prayer team, two best friends with hearts for the disabled, and many others who are joyfully making a difference in their communities!
Home videos and story-telling!
Tasty Romanian crepe-style pancakes!
My friend parading around in my rather large shoes!
Visits to a couple of Christian bookstores!
Dreaming big!
Intimate times of prayer!
Certainly I am not doing justice to the life I lived during the past few days. You cannot experience with me the vigor of the young people worshiping in the House of Prayer. You cannot taste the meals shared with friends in Oradea, or understand the inside jokes echoing in our ears. You cannot dance with us as we taught "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" to students all the way up to the eighth grade. You might not be able to smell the waiting areas, wondering when the next train will come to whisk you out of the chill air current that somehow slides down the back of your neck no matter how many layers of clothes you are wearing.
But hopefully you can take my word for it. Hopefully you can celebrate with me God's work I saw in Romania this week, and hopefully you can be reminded to watch for it wherever you are. Thank you for your prayers, and know you were prayed for, too. I have a lot of thoughts, a lot of feelings, and a lot to say, but it cannot all come out here because we have more life to live. March forward through the cold, through the sleepless nights, and through the challenges of this world to remember that tomorrow renews our hope in the risen Son. I bless you in His Name, the Name of Jesus.
(Postscript: I also finished today a book that was loaned to me: Cross-Cultural Connections by Duane Elmer. While maybe not the most exciting book on the planet, I found it to be a thorough and true analysis of living in another culture. For those of you in the States who have time to read it, I think this book would help you understand some of what I have experienced, thereby making our reunions a bit smoother by narrowing the gap between the lives we have each lived during the past year. I find that Romanian culture often has many aspects of the Eastern and more communal cultures he describes.)