Location: Dining Hall, Sighisoara, Romania (about 10:15pm on Saturday, the 19th of December)
Yes, this is musical chairs in the snow, without a radio, with adults and a few kids, in the middle of town with surprised pedestrians grinning at us as they walk by. You can see that my "la la las" were echoing off the buildings until I would stop and laugh as everyone dove for a kindergarten smurf chair!
I was going to write about this and the rest of my awesome past two days, but instead I had a pre-Christmas phone call with my parents and I need to get some sleep. So here are a couple of highlights, and I will fill in the details in the morning if time allows after I pack and before I leave for four days of outreach in the Balan area.
...a snowy childrens' program in downtown Sighisoara
...a God-send visit from two of my American friends
...socks, wood, American breakfast for dinner, traveling Romanian style, etc.
...a concert in the Orthodox Cathedral
...telephone stalkers
...(mis)communication in Romanian
...an original musical put on by children in Targu Mures
...a Romanian feast and a fondu supper...
...and much more!
Here are the instructions I gave my friends: "Follow the main road up and up and up, S-curve around the barking dog, and take the staircase by the electrical building that hums--if you get to the dumpster you have gone too far!"
So if you can't wait to hear about this much fun in my words, come and see for yourself, like K. and T. did! And thanks for being a blessing to me--you are all my Christmas gifts, and I thank God for you! I am the richest man in the world!
I received three extremely encouraging emails, all in this same day, and I will respond to them as soon as I can. Just know that you who wrote them really blessed me. May God get the glory!
Let's be like these little children and praise the Lord with everything that we are--in that way, we can reflect the Kingdom of Heaven to those who are distacted by the cold and snow, by the Christmas hustle, and by the wrong size or color of a gift they received.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!