Location: A heavenly seat in a breezy, pace-filled sun porch in the fourth floor apartment of my great friends J. and V., Oradea, Romania, mid-afternoon on the 23 of June, 2009.
Wow. I could just sit and rest in this spot for a very long time. I am tempted not to type, but just to relax.
The last several days have been very busy, and the next several promise the same. That is why I am thoroughly enjoying this "space" I momentarily occupy. It is in an apartment of two girls that have been wonderful friends to us during our stay here, often twisting our arm to take a meal with them. (They are pictured above in nearby missionary's home.) It is a place where we have completed many fix-it projects (which I love), such as wardrobes and cabinet drawers, a night-stand hinge, and more. We have washed lots of dishes here, some windows and floors, our own laundry, and we have enjoyed great fellowship and dinners in this place. Though my current home-away-from-home is a mile or two from here, this has truly been a peaceful place, a second home-away-from-home in Oradea. As my world spins among cultures and travels, comings and goings, work and play, and helter-skelter rushing around, I am utterly thrilled to be, even just for a moment, happily lost in this space.
Yes, time rushes by, and our days in Oradea are numbered. In only a few days we will head to Cluj, N. will leave for the States, and I will leave for France a few days later, after helping with the first half of a wheelchair distribution. The next few weeks include a wedding, prayer, and a lot of unknown, so please bear with me if I have trouble accessing the internet for blog posts or emails. If you do not hear from me, assume I am safely in the Lord's hands!
What have we been doing besides handyman work and dishes? We have continued to work with the young people with disabilities, from whom I learn so much. We had the opportunity to take them to the thermal pools on Friday, and it is humbling to learn such grace from them as I try my best to gently carry them or help them change their clothes. I hate to say goodbye to them later this week, and they are already asking when we will be back!
Yesterday, N. and I left work a little early and joined friends K. and M. and M. who work with a center that provides Christian programing after and outside of school for local children of the gypsy communities. We joined in teaching an English lesson to about fifty youngsters ranging from probably 7 or 8 to 16 years old. I was drafted to play the piano (which was truly a miracle since I do not really know how!), and we sang, practiced the words for body parts and family members, and enjoyed watching the interaction with these children.
It has been rainy again with storms the last few days, and the weather cannot decide if it wants to be hot or cold, humid or dry. Nonetheless, we plug along with the Lord's plans. You will notice the photo of N. the "Grill-Meister" above. We enjoyed a cookout (under the edge of the garage because of the storms) at a local missionary's house, and she promoted N. to his new position, which he held all night long, to his great pleasure, I could tell! That was a fun evening: we had to take taxi's beyond the reach of public transit, and we got to meet an American gal who we found out was at the same Moody Bible Institute Founder's Week Conference in Chicago that I attended!
(I am back now in the same spot. I was interrupted by a good discussion with one of my hostesses, followed by a grocery run, Chinese dinner, preparation of two batches of apple dumplings, and chili for tomorrow night. During the baking, we invited J.'s grandmother and my mother to join us via Internet webcam. My mom was sitting on the toaster! It is now almost 11pm, and I may be interrupted again with dirty dishes, but I will eventually post this!)
So back to Saturday night... We had just finished dinner when the missionary (whom I had never met until that evening) handed me her cell phone saying someone was calling for me. On the other end of the line was a girl I had never met; through two dropped calls and a third successful one, she asked me to preach the next morning at a Gypsy church a half-hour outside of town. I said yes, and the next morning found N. and me waiting for that girl to pick us up at a gas station. We met up with some other folks and I learned that I may be leading worship with a guitar, too. It ended up that my only role was preaching, and I had a great translator. It went well, because the Lord spoke through His Spirit. He had been teaching me from Psalm 131, so that is what I taught on. He continues to teach me humility, so that is what I preached about. It was a memorable morning! Thanks for your prayers!
(OK, it is just now midnight, and I am back at my apartment, hopefully to finish this post and get some sleep...)
Sunday afternoon we had lunch with our new friends, and then we made it back to Oradea for pizza with other friends, before going to the home of even more friends for some laundry. The LORD has blessed us with wonderful friends here!
For instance, I was with some of those wonderful friends when I made a silly decision on Saturday. We were fellowshipping in the park before leaving for the cookout, and we were about done. It was hot, and we were tired, ready to go clean up. Just before we left, the football or the Frisbee went over the hedge that N. and I have jumped a few times. We had been teasing N. about falling in it, so I felt the need to show-off that I could successfully clear it. Unfortunately, a few mis-steps later, the concrete of the sidewalk on the otherside confronted me with the truth, my camera breaking the fall. The camera still takes photos--it took the ones above--but the screen is busted and therefore pretty useless. If you think it hurts to land on the concrete face-first, you should see my pride! That hurts even worse! Of course, God was watching over me. Not only did I do it in front of a medical student and a physical therapist, but I survived with just a few cuts and bruises.
I have said before that I am constantly being humbled, and this fall was another example of it. So was God working in the park several times this weekend, not to mention working with our friends at the day center each day. That is probably why the Spirit led me to preach about humility. I believe that humility is one of the most important keys to a loving relationship with our loving, almighty God.
Thank you for your prayers as I head into the next phases of my journey. I do not know where I will be going for much of it, nor what adventures await me. But I know that you will be following via blog and praying for me, and I know the Lord will go before me. May He get the glory!