Location: My house in C., at 11:00am on the 15th of January.
This has been an amazing week metaphysically and relationally! I moved back to my house in the village, and you know I am back when you see me doing laundry by hand again, and when I am back to hitch-hiking as a normal means of transportation! Perhaps you think, "Poor J. has to do laundry by hand and has to travel by hand (his thumb)!" Yes, but I am thankful for two skillful hands that work well, for clothes to wash, for people to meet and places to go. In fact, yesterday I was blessed when I bought another plastic bucket. Now I can get two pails of water every time I go to fetch water, and that makes life a lot easier! Yes, now we are a two-bucket household!
What do I do with all that water? Well, laundering clothes takes quite a bit, and I also use it to make tea. You see, I am thrilled to tell you that I hosted four friends for our first official men's group meeting on Thursday night! I was in my heyday, and though I did not have a lot to offer my British, German, and Romanian buddies, I was able to offer them tea, coffee, and gummy bears. I bought instant coffee knowing that someone would like some even though I do not drink coffee, I had tea out for the British blokes, and the gummy bears were from Germany. I laughed when they marveled at the selection I offered, saying how American that was! I said, normally I would only have one thing to offer, but the rest came from America, sent by my mom!
No, men's group was spectacular, and I cannot wait for the next one! Unfortunately, I think I will miss the next one, because I will be teaching English for a day in a public school in Hunedoara (as I have done in the past). Yet I already did our "homework" for next time, researching in the Bible what a "man of God" is--in other words, what does it mean to be a "godly man"? This is a topic very dear to me, for it is my greatest goal in life, and the Lord has been teaching me much about it. For example, I made my list from 1 Timothy 3, Titus 2, 1 Corinthians 13, and Exodus 34:6. This is a weighty topic, and I am sure we will continue to discuss it beyond the meeting I will miss. This week we talked about and prayed for fathers, our fathers, the impact and influence fathers have, etc. Worldwide, we need strong Christian fathers, and it is certainly no less true in this area of Romania! I am very, very thankful for the earthly father God has given me.
Speaking of fathers, I am teaching the lesson for a children's program today, here in C. Even before men's group, I had started preparing it, and the topic is "God always fulfils his promises," looking at the call of Abraham in Genesis 12 to 17. However, the Lord had impressed upon my heart that I need to teach about fathers to these kids, most of whom do not have a good paternal role model. This will be particularly difficult because I am speaking (in Romanian) to the children, not to their fathers. By the time you see this, I will have already taught, but I pray now that the Lord will call some of you to pray for me about this. It is very important, and very delicate. But God wants to be our Father, and He will see to it that His Word is spoken clearly.
Not only am I teaching today, but my friend and fellow men's-group member, R., asked me to translate his sermon into English again in church tomorrow. It is very fun and a great honor to stand side-by-side with such a passionate man of God, having prayed that the Lord would speak His Word clearly through each of us, and watching the Spirit reach into the lives of the listeners. However, it is also quite a challenge for me, as my Romanian is merely one year old, and leaves a lot to be desired. Please pray for this, too.
Thank you, by the way, for all of your prayers for me. I believe so strongly in God's habit of answering prayers, that I lean on your prayers constantly. For example, I battled what became quite a miserable cough earlier this week, but the Lord has now healed me. Thank you for your prayers. And did I mention about the powerful message that God gave me for my village of V.? I had told my mentor I would not go with him on Wednesday as normal, because I was sick. However, Tuesday night, the Lord gave me a very clear teaching for that village through a friend's advice to read Joshua 2. In the morning I was feeling much better, and I caught a couple of buses that landed me in the village just in time to have some guy-time with my friend and then to teach our weekly Bible Hour. The Lord showed me that Rahab the prositute was condemned to death along with the rest of her city by decree of the LORD Himself. Nonetheless, she clung to hope in His mercy, even defying her king's direct orders, and through this was saved, along with her family. Not only was she supernaturally spared, but she lived with God's people and became the great-grandmother of King David and an ancestor of Jesus the Christ! Like when the Angel of Death spared the Hebrew children at Passover upon seeing crimson lamb's blood on the doorposts, Rahab's family was spared when the destroyers saw a crimson rope hung in the window. We, too, were condemned to death along with the rest of the world because of our sins, but God spared us supernaturally when he saw the blood of Jesus, the Lamb of God, upon us. If we surrender to Him, we, too, have the privilege to live as part of God's people, even being adopted into the family of Jesus. Wow!
So as you can see, a lot has been happening in the spiritual realms. I have been praying a lot, too, so please do not take offense when I spend time with the Lord instead of spending it with you. Add to that eight hours of French and English instruction, wood for my fire, a visit from my buddy P., and some catching-up on rest, and you will understand why I have not yet been able to write like I hope to, or to respond to emails. I hope to start doing that now, but I decided to fill you in from the blog to encourage your patience to endure a bit longer until you hear from me personally.
And since I am "back in the saddle" in village life, I am including a few pictures of that horseback riding adventure I described a couple of weeks ago. I am praying for you, and I certainly appreciate your prayers for me as I dive into the lives of the people around me relationally, spiritually, educationally, and in any other way the Spirit leads. I bless you in the Name of our Jesus!