(Location: On a bus between Chicago and Indianapolis in the USA, a quarter to seven on Sunday evening, the 3rd of October.)
Thanks for your prayers--I arrived in the United States without mishap. And if God's faithfulness continues (it will!), I will soon arrive at my parents' home.
I have two important things to tell you (at least, that I can recall).
First of all, the village of V. Last week I wrote to you about V., but I visited this village again twice this week, and I have some new stories. (This is not the village where I feel called to live, but the other V.)
When I arrived on Thursday afternoon, it was raining. Maybe you do not know, but most life in rural Romania stops in the rain. I, however, am American enough to continue with my plans, so I marched through the mud to see my dear village people. As I entered town, one boy saw me from his window and braved the weather to come out. He called his friend, and soon eight or ten boys had gathered with me. The rain was holding off temporarily, so we climbed the hill to the apple tree. The donkey tethered to a stake sounded the alarm, but I hee-hawed back at it so convincingly that it left us alone! Then we collected a few apples and munched on them until the rain started again. Then we had an apple-ball fight! Have you ever had a snow ball fight? This was exactly the same, but with apples! It was SO much fun! Maybe you can join us next time!
After that, as the rain picked up, I sprinted with those two boys to the house of one of them. We sat on the "porch" snacking on fresh pecans. Then the sister of the boy came out, interrogating me until she found out that she was my age and that I was not married. I saw where the inquiries were leading, so I scrammed before any bigger questions were "popped"! But I think it was my best visit yet!
I will try to post a picture I took of boys from this town lined up against our ministry truck, eager to help me let down the stage.
Even more glorifying to God, though, has been the trip to America. Many Romanians dream of going to America, though many of them only have a Hollywood picture of such a destination. But let me describe the journey.
Saturday morning I woke up, packed, and gave a French test. Then I hitchhiked to town, arriving in time to do two children's programs, in V. and in B. I left the latter one a tiny bit early and caught a minibus to Bucharest--a five hour trip. Concerned about some of the aspects of my trip, I prayed a lot in advance, and God sent me an angel.
You see, I needed the driver to let me off at the airport, about 40 kilometers before Bucharest. Not expecting that to be a problem, I was surprised when he told me "no"! Yet an elderly gentleman (who spoke English, no less!), took me aside later and told me I needed to ask a couple more times; the driver was just waiting for me to ask more. So I followed his culturally acurate advice, and with his help, I was left standing on the side of the road right where I needed to be! In addition, I had prayed about the pouring rain that had drummed the bus during the trip, and it stopped a little bit before I had to get out! God is good!
I walked to the airport in time to wait for another eight hours--"sleeping" in the airport would not be a very accurate word to describe my wait in the chairs there. But after being questioned by at the Passport Control about my expired residency permit, I boarded the plane which left on time. Thus, I arrived in Paris on time, and an hour-and-a-half later, also left there on time. My arrival in Chicago was also easy, and I had no trouble passing Customs as I thought I might. Amazingly, my old cell phone somehow worked--I thought it had no credit!--and a Christian brother of mine picked me up and spent two hours with me before the bus came. Those two hours were such an encouragement to me! Now, even though I am sort of sleep deprived, I am eager to dive into the blessings the Lord has prepared for me in Indiana.
Thanks for your prayers, and keep praying! I already miss Romania and keep speaking Romanian words, even in my English. I am praying for you, and I bless you in the Name of our Jesus!