(Location: Gate M5 at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illinois, USA, at 2pm local time on the 20th of October.)
Once again, I am sitting in an airport. I suppose I spend as much time in airports as in any other "home." This one happens to be in Chicago, as I wait to board my plane to Amsterdam, where I will catch a flight to Bucharest. It will be a long two days of travel by the time I arrive in Sighisoara or the C., where my house is. If you are reading this, I am probably no longer in Chicago (where you have to pay for internet access), which means I may be in the Netherlands or Romania or somewhere else in the world.
You may recall that I was very excited about putting on an evangelism seminar at my church. It was fantastic and fun! There were probably 50 or 60 persons in attendance from six or eight churches, including a group from my Mexican church. My Mexican pastor translated the workshop into Spanish, and the Spirit moved powerfully among us. I was delighted to be present to see the Lord at work in the Church in Indianapolis! Thank you so much for your prayers! I apologize that it did not get recorded, but I can send you my notes if you ask.
Perhaps, though, you are more curious about the wedding--my sister's wedding. How did it go? Some people said it was the best wedding they had ever attended! I thought it was a lot of work! But I have to admit, it was very nice. My sister is beautiful, and her pretty dress and the outdoor setting accented her beauty as she married a good, godly man. The wedding included a brief ceremony, out-of-town guests, a reception under a large white tent, a surprise visit from a marching "clown" band, hay rides, dancing, and more. Not only was it a privilege to be there and to pray for them, but I was also delighted when Dad responded like this to the question, "Who gives this woman away?": "Her mother and brothers and I!"
Since the wedding there has been a lot of clean-up and several visits with friends and family before I head back overseas. Now I am trying to get back in the Romanian mindset as I let the Lord lead me where He wants me, in His perfect timing.
A great example of that supernatural leading happened today. I ate yesterday at a "torta" restaurant owned by friends of mine from the Mexican church. When they found out I was headed to Chicago today, they offered to take me along with them, so I ditched the Megabus and had a great ride up with them! They dropped me off at the airport after we had a Mexican seafood lunch--can't beat that!
There were so many special blessings during these past two weeks. They included getting to meet up with former Romanian missionary, J., and meeting her best friend, S. and family. I also got to see my cousins from Arkansas and meet the wife of one of them for the first time. My parents' church gave me the privilege of sharing a bit last Sunday morning, my Mexican church prayed for me Sunday evening, and one ministry group I belong to prayed for me on Monday night. I spent quality time with my sister and her (now) husband; I also spent quality time with some of my best Christian friends and mentors, as well as with my parents and my brother and his girlfriend. I also enjoyed listening to Moody Radio, which is one of the things I miss most about living away from the USA.
This short visit sped by quickly, but I feel rested and eager to dive back into God's blessings in Romania. Thanks for your prayers, and please do not stop praying! I made time for many of you while I was in town, and I was blessed to do so. Please forgive me if we were unable to sit down and talk during my American blitz. The one thing I did fail to do while I was in Indiana was to catch up on my nearly two hundred emails--I chose personal interactions and sleep over emailing, so please be patient as I try to catch up now. And thank you to all of you who made time for me, who sent or tried to send gifts with me for people in Romania, and even for me. You are each a blessing in my life.
I am praying for you, and I bless you in the Name of Jesus the Christ!