Location: Train number 375 between Deva and Sighisoara, Romania, nearly 7:00 on the evening of the 25th of July.
I just caught a few winks after four nights in a row of only four hours' sleep, so now I can concentrate enough to write a bit about the week I just finished. Though as always I cannot promise to have time to include many pictures, I am hoping to have an opportunity to get on the internet tonight in Sighisoara before heading home early tomorrow morning. Tomorrow begins another camp in the hills above my village, and if I understand correctly, I will be living in tents with some 95 children. Fun? I will have to let you know!
Speaking of what you know, you may or may not know that I was volunteering at a camp outside of Hunedoara and Deva this week (hence the train). I started to write about it above, but I have not yet had an opportunity to post that entry. God's hand was certainly at work in sending me to this camp, for I had fully intended to decline the invitation. Yet I ended up going and thus spent a week with two of my beautiful friends in Romania. Sure, they are lovely to the eyes if you see them, but their hearts are so beautiful that you quickly forget what they look like--that is what I mean by beautiful.
Only understanding that I would be helping with a disabilities camp, I found myself as one of sixty people at a special handicap-accessible retreat center near the mountains in southern Romania. My primary responsibility was worship leader, but I also spent significant time daily as a small group leader, a translator, and a servant doing chores. It was my privilege to make friends with folks with various types of disabilities, including autism, epilepsy, and problems with sight, walking, talking, etc. Two of the gals on my worship team sang from their wheelchairs, and some of the most inspirational messages during the week were shared passionately by C.
C. is now engaged to be married to a fine lady who also has a walking disability--he has prayed for eleven years for God to send him a wife. He is confined to a wheelchair, his legs always folded in a kneeling position, and his arms do not work well enough for him to feed himself. He can utter unusual sounds if he contorts his face dreadfully, though usually he sits quietly in his chair with a huge smile plastered on his face. This young man preached in forty churches last year. You see, even though most people cannot understand him, his fiancee has a special gift of understanding him, so she translates patiently and passionately from his Romanian into more intelligible Romanian. We, of course, then translated his words into English as well. One night he taught us that when God looks at us, He delights in us as we shine with the light of Jesus--like we delight in star-gazing at night. We are God's stars! Another time he said (in my English paraphrase), "Do you ask why God made me like this? I have to screw up my face to talk, I have to be fed by someone else, and I cannot walk." Then he pointed at his wife-to-be and said, "There is my mouth!" He pointed to another friend and said, "There is my hands!" He pointed to another friend and said, "There is my legs!" He told us how we, too, get to be the mouth and hands and feet of Jesus. This young man led three people to Christ on one of the first nights of the camp!
I could tell you about R., who has faced so much discrimination in here twenty-odd years of life in a wheelchair after a vaccine trapped her soul in a child's body, the size of a six year old. She sings like an angel and now has a vision to open a center in Timisoara for people with disabilities. Or about S., who encourages all the people around her, who translates and helps with worship, who tells jokes and offers hugs to those who will receive them. Or of V. who has notebooks full of poems and songs he has written from his wheelchair, or D. who limps through pain with a cane while fighting for the rights of her disabled friends and family members. Together we laughed and cried, played games with balloons and water, and read and studied the Book of Esther, through which we were reminded that God is always at work, even when we have trouble recognizing it! We had a couple children of about 5 years of age, all the way up to a few folks in their seventies. We celebrated three or four birthdays, and really had a nice week.
For me, it was an extremely difficult week, though I know I was blessed and got to be a blessing. For example, if you think about it, Romanian is my fourth language. Though it is coming along, it has some big gaps, and I make some hilarious mistakes sometimes. As you can imagine, that made it terribly challenging for me to lead worship (in Romanian) and to translate (in front of a room of fifty people). Leading worship was especially trying because I had to be prepared to lead at least twice per day, in the beginning only having a flautist and myself who played instruments, and without having a guitar, I was left to use my violin or to try to bang out something on the keyboard. Later in the week we acquired a less-than-excellent guitar that quickly reminded me that my garden-work callouses had replaced my guitar callouses that have not been used, and my fingers are very sore now. I was limited to songs--oi! you do not care about all this! Anyway, we had other difficulties with publicizing the words of the songs, with my "tech" guy, and not having time for rehearsal. In addition to challenges in leading worship and translation, I also battled a gross lack of sleep for a variety of reasons. Meanwhile, inside of me, emotional and theological battles rages as I was confronted with life all around me; simultaneously, our team faced numerous spiritual attacks each day. Thank you for your prayers; my Lord pulled me through to His glory!
One beautiful aspect of people with disabilities is how often and how gently they help one another. I hardly can describe the scenes of them pushing wheelchairs or offering an arm of support, hugs and encouraging words, prayers for one another, and so on. My disability this week was my language in the spotlights of translation and worship leading: I was overwhelmed by grace as time and again I was helped. Often, four or five of us would work together to translate something correctly. (I was the only native English speaker there who spoke Romanian). Which reminds me, I really enjoyed my new friends from Scotland and England, but it makes me smile that because of their thick accents, there were times when I could actually understand them better after their words had been translated into Romanian!
I could tell you more, but you do not want to sit in front of the computer all day. Instead, sit before our Lord today, and remember how much He loves You. Please pray for I. and M., my good friends from Hunedoara who organized this camp. Also, please pray for G. from Scotland, the one who received the vision for the foundation that has grown out of this camp, with the goal of eradicating discrimination against people with disabilities in Romania. The four of us had a special connection this week as we linked arms and stood and spat in the face of the Enemy's attacks, interceding for one another and for our brothers and sisters with disabilities. Please pray for my other new friends this week; each one faces unique challenges and has special gifts God is using.
We have reached Medias, which means that the next stop will be my destination. May you, also, safely reach today's destination for this part of your journey, and may your life proclaim that you are blessed by a Jesus who loves you indescribably!