Location: Bedroom in my parents' house, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA on the National Day of Prayer (May 6, 2010, approximately 6:00am)
Today is the National Day of Prayer in the United States of America. Not recognized by all Americans, it is nevertheless nationally observed from the White House to the ordinary citizen. Christians all over the country gather and pray for the American governing authorities, the media, the schools, the military, the Church, families, and more. The USA needs our prayers, but it needs your prayers, too! Please, if you are a Christ-follower in Switzerland, in France, in Romania, in Greece, in South Africa, in Canada, in Mexico, in China, in Thailand, or anywhe
re else, pray for the United States of America, that God be glorified in this people. Maybe the USA is your dream country, or maybe we are your enemies--either way, please pray for us! We need God's mercy and grace!
You may be wondering why I am typing so early. In fact, it is not that early now, because the birds are singing; two hours ago, I was awake, but they were not! But remember, I am not on vacation. I work hard, and today is no exception. I just finished trying to communicate in Romanian about a family workshop I may get to help lead in Oradea as I pass through there in the next two weeks. Before that, I was trying to arrange contacts in Atlanta for a Swiss friend who will be studying there. Before that, my Lord and I spent time together in prayer. As the day dawns, however, I will be joining a couple of friend of mine to help repair a challenge course at a camp, which will certainly be an all day project--and a challenge!
However, you do not want to read about my work, you want to read about my adventures. Let me tell you, yesterday was an adventure in blessing! In fact, I had twenty-four hours of blessed meetings with people, as you can see from the pictures. Dinner with family, theological discussion with a music man and his mother, Mexican food with a family seeing grace everyday, encouragement from a fellow alumnus from my high school, and a quick visit with artist friends made for a delightful day! I am so blessed!
Another blessing has been watching transformation in friends and family. Would you believe that three times since I have been "home," I have heard this from persons who grew up in the Church, "I never heard that preached!" They were referring to the truth that being Christian is not about being good. That it is not about being in church on Sundays. That it is not about offering money, suits and dresses, or even helping the poor. The part they had not heard is that being a Christian means complete surrender of self to the Spirit of God.
Brother, Sister, if you have never heard this, please listen. Yes, you know that Jesus was God clothed in human flesh, 100% human and 100% God. You know that He came to give us insight into Who God is, that He was murdered in Roman execution style, that He bore our sins and died, and that three days later He was raised from the dead. You know that this all happened by grace. You know that we have the hope of eternal life if we believe in Him, if we accept His gift of grace. But listen:
After Jesus ascended into heaven, his followers were transformed when the Holy Spirit came upon them in power. They were no longer the ragtag fishermen and tax-collectors they had once been! They had died to who they once were, and the Spirit of Jesus was living in them! That is what it means to be Christian. We die to who we once were--sinful men and women--and we invite the Spirit of the Holy and Living God to live in us. Why? Because He knows what is best (for Him and for us!), He wants what is best, and He has the power to bring it about! Christianity is about a relationship with God our Father, a relationship of trust and surrender. Every nook and cranny of our being, every forte and foible, everything we do or are, we offer to the Lord for His glory. As the Apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 2:20, "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me!"
Hear this truth, believe this truth, and live this truth. It is the difference between life and death.