Location: Seat 21J on the plane from London to Chicago somewhere high above the Atlantic, about 3:30pm Chicago time on the 3rd of March.
I am almost home.
That is a deceptive phrase, the only certainty being the word "I". Yes, it is definitely me. But "am" is misleading, because I am lost somewhere above a great ocean, somewhere between time zones, somewhere between waking and sleeping, somewhere between American and ex-patriot, etc. "Almost" is extremely relative, as I still have several hours of this flight, the U.S. Customs rigmarole, and another flight--all of which could go smoothly or introduce new adventures. For example, my more than 24-hour day today began at 4am and included a bomb squad and a flight delay, as well as travel by car, bus, train and plane. "Home" is perhaps the most befuddling of the terms, for I have felt quite homeless for the past year, moving from one locality to another, not always knowing where I would stay next. For a long time I have defined home as "where God is," and I truly believe that. It is true that many people who love and welcome me live in Indianapolis, and I am familiar with that place and its people, but it hardly seems home. But, I am almost home...
I counted today, and I have at least passed through ten countries in less than ten months. How ironic that I declined a friend's invitation a little more than a year ago to participate in a missions adventure that would take me to eleven countries in eleven months! You may remember that I was a bit pessimistic about this final week, already worn out from months of travel and work, jet-lagged from China, and knowing that I have more transitions ahead of me. However, my week in France was worth the trouble and was full of blessings, for which I thank my Lord. Not only did I have some very good discussions of a spiritual nature, but I also got to speak to some young people in their Catechism class. Another irony was that I got to see some Taiwanese friends of mine whom I met seven years ago, and in spending time with them, I ended up spending quite a bit of time with the local Chinese community, worshipping in Chinese, eating with chopsticks, and so on! That was fun after I had just left China. It was also good to visit my former host-family from my student-time in France; they treat me very well, and I pray that God continues to draw them closer to Him everyday.
So if you are reading this, I am probably on American soil now. I will continue to blog as I can; keep your eye out for ways we might meet up. In my limited time in the States, there are many skills I am going to try to learn, and I also have to respond to jury duty summons. Yet I plan to spend most of my time in reunion with the Church and friends like you, so let me know if you are in the neighborhood! I will probably be staying at my parents' home for the majority of the next two months. I also hope to have a sort of open house so people can better understand the big picture of my series of adventures, past to future, so watch for information about that, too. Two months from now, I hope to be en route back to Romania, with your blessings as I represent the Church of the United States to encourage the Church of Romania to ever walk closer to our Lord! And as I get things established over there, I am hoping to host those of you who want to come help out, so let me know as the Lord leads you!
Please do not stop praying for me because I have returned to the USA; I doubt not that the adventures of following Jesus will continue, and no less dramatically. Please let me know how I can join you in prayer, too; it is in prayer that we gain and maintain the ground the Lord conquered!
Those of you in the USA, I hope to see you soon! Those of you in Romania and France and beyond, I have not forgotten you! Remember, we are One in the Spirit, we are One, in the blood! I bless you in the Name of Jesus the Christ!