Location: Best-friend's living room, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA (about 4:00pm on the 23rd of March)
Would you believe it if I told you, "Welding is exhilarating!"? Well, it is, and I am going to tell you about it!
First though, please pray for me as I prepare and host an open house this Saturday. (If you are interested, the details are in the two previous blog posts...) There are two reasons I am requesting prayer. First, I believe we should pray without ceasing and lift everything to the Lord in prayer. Second, not only will this provide an opportunity for me to see people I have have not seen in some time, but it will also give me the opportunity to share clearly with people the magnificence of our great God, as was revealed to me during my travels. I pray that the Lord brings the people whom He wants to come (it is the beginning of Spring Break for many families), and that beyond my words and international displays they will be able to see and recognize the Lord God. It will also be a challenging day for me, because I will be learning how to shoe horses that morning, and then that evening or the next morning I will be leaving with a group of high school youth as a chaperone on their fifteen-hour service-trip van ride. Thank you for your prayers.
But today is Tuesday, so we cannot spend too much time talking about Saturday! Let me catch you up!
You know that I was doing some carpentry work last week. Well, yesterday I was super-blessed to spend the entire day with a family of dear friends who transformed a rainy day into a time of joyful reunion and auto repair. I learned so much about the parts of a car under the hood and how they work, not to mention making a repair on the drive shaft and changing the oil. We tore into that old Volvo, and we had fun getting greasy in the process! They also served as an interested audience for some of my stories and pictures, so we really had a great day of spending time together.
Did we weld yesterday? No. I learned welding last Saturday. In the morning, I met up with a friend who took me to join nearly twenty bikers who gather for breakfast downtown on Saturday mornings. I do not have any photos of that interesting time or their motorcycles, but you can imagine that I was in my element! Then we headed out to a garage where I suited up and learned to weld with a mig-welder. What larks! I had no idea welding was so much fun! Not only did I learn the hands-on skills, but M. taught me a lot about the process behind the welding, so I really feel rich with my new wealth of knowledge.
Outside of these "classroom" experiences, I have had the privilege to meet some American friends that I got to know in Romania, as well as friends and family members from the USA. We had a reunion of the depression and anxiety group I used to help facilitate at church, too. It has especially been a privilege to join Jesus in interceding for these people around me, a.k.a. the Church. (Do not forgot, the Church is a group of people, not buildings or names or traditions.)
So there have been many blessings, and psychologically some challenges, too. Most of that can probably be attibuted to cultural differences and just the kind of things my mind thinks of as I interact with the world around me. Nonetheless, sometimes it takes a bit of a toll on me. A couple of good friends of mine heard it in my voice and convinced me to take a brief "retreat." So tomorrow my Jesus and I have a date; I'm going to disappear for a couple of days.
Whether you make time to disappear, too, or not, make a date with your God who revealed Himself in His Son, Jesus. May your day be beautiful today, no matter what the weather is like where you are.