Location: The apartment in Sighisoara, about 7:15am on Monday morning, January 18.
Sunday was not at all what I had expected.
I did go to church in the morning, as usual, and I must say I was very much looking forward to worship. I had been asked to help with the music again, but I had declined, wanted to fully invest my heart in worship instead of fighting distraction while trying carefully to lead everyone else in worship. (If you are not familiar with it, it is a very difficult thing to lead worship and to worship God simultaneously.) So I was eager to worship with no expectations or responsibilities, and I had carefully prepared myself through prayer.
After church, I said goodbye to the Americans from Indiana. Sadly, I did not have an opportunity to get to know them very well. Nevertheless, I must say that just their presence was a mighty blessing for me! Even this morning, when I was a little down, they made me laugh as I looked at their faces in the pictures I took! Look at them on my Picasa site:
http://picasaweb.google.com/TheRabboni/SundaySmiles# You know that my camera is broken, so not only did I make them wave goodbye, but I made them pose for several rapid-fire photos.
Perhaps you are confused by the other photos; if you do not know about my famous "single socks," you are missing out. One of my friends just learned about them, so I documented them with photos. No sock is as comfortable as a white ankle-sock, so I throw out fashion in favor of comfort, even often when I dress for more formal occasions. My mentor says that no wife would let me out of the house like that, thus dubbing them "single socks"! My friend this week agreed, "Your wife would kill you!" Personally, I think we can bring this into style! Single friends, wear your socks boldly! Married men, join the cause! Thanks for your understanding, wives of the world!
Single socks or no, I went ahead and invited A. for lunch after service. We had a very meanful time of fellowship and discussion, spending much of the afternoon together. He is Hungarian, and he helped me work on some of my Hungarian vocabulary. We also talked a lot about God and work of Jesus in our lives, which is naturally my favorite topic of conversation. Then I saw him to the bus station and said goodbye. However, we may meet again before too long; he invited me to visit his family next time I am up that way. Please join me in praying for him and his family; God has some very special plans for this young man.
That was most of my Sunday. I was quite tired by the time dishes were done and the evening arrived. A lot had happened this weekend. I have a lot on my mind with decisions to make, unexpected possibilities that could changes some of my plans, some difficult conversations with people I care about, and so on. So I am looking forward to spending more time in prayer this week, as well as a couple of day trips to visit some contacts I have made. I am eager to live this week, because I foresee many things falling into place, and I hope to spend special, intimate time with my Lord.
May you, too. Whatever socks you wear, whatever difficult discussions you may have had, whatever smiles you discovered, whoever may bless you this week, enjoy your life with Jesus.