Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wednesday Night

(Location: Heading back to Sighisoara for Christmas in a few hours; now it is about 7:20am on the 24th of December--Merry Christmas!)

"Not All There"

KJ looked around the room; they were not all there. No matter. They could go ahead and start; he knew people would trickle in for quite a while still. Certainly, it frustrated him sometimes, but what could he do about it? He had learned a long time ago that you cannot change other people. It is hard enough to change something about yourself!

The other six people were chatting quietly--or not so quietly in the case of Sean and Misty on his left. They laughed with shrieks and bellows, sharing a joke the others wished they had heard. Especially, Toni. Toni sat alone in the far corner of the room, trying to include herself in one of the conversations. Yet every time the moment seemed to welcome her debut, it passed quickly, before she was able to produce the right words. So she waited glumly, hoping someday she would be more at ease. She was unnoticed, however, by Charlotte, Christy, and Thom. Not loud, they spoke nevertheless with an intensity that made it difficult for an outsider to join them. At present, they discussed whether or not humanist social welfare tactics could or should be adopted by Christian charities.

KJ cleared his throat, now adept at interrupting. A few moments later, he relished the lull he had created, and then dove into it. "Let's begin with prayer, " he suggested as usual. "Who would like to open for us?"

Yes, it was a typical Bible study on a typical Wednesday night. They had been meeting together for four years, more or less. Occasionally a guest would visit, or someone would have to stop coming because of a change in work schedule, a move across town, or boredom. KJ tried everything he could to engage his peers, seeking topics relevant to their world, preparing in advance so he would be able to keep the discussion moving.

Charlotte had volunteered to pray, and a tired KJ found himself nodding off as her soft voice mouthed the words it had spoken dozens of times. "And please help us to..." He jerked his head up, having felt it drop into dreamland.

Knock, knock, knock! Knock, knock! Who would be knocking at the door? The regulars knew to walk right in. He started toward the door, but Thom beat him there. Behind the door was a stranger, who introduced himself as "John."

Immediately, the clan jumped into rhythm. They gave a roll call of names, tagging them to who was married to whom, to the host of the house, to who drove the green convertible out front. In moments they had explained how the study proceeds, and they had even offered a cookie to their guest.

John smiled, feeling welcome. KJ knew what he was feeling. This was a good group of people. Not perfect, mind you, but good. They each had different gifts and interests, and they looked forward to meeting on Wednesday nights. They loved each other, and they helped out when someone needed a hand. They were generous when it came to people's needs, and they liked to see others smile. They made each other feel welcome, and they sharpened each other as they studied the Scriptures.

As they began reading from the Book of Matthew, someone peeked over to confirm that John knew it was in the Bible's New Testament. Misty was reading and did not miss a beat when the door opened; she was used to people arriving late. Tucker and his wife, Jen, settled in next to John with silent introductory smiles; KJ noted their arrival with a quick glance and kept following the reading. This 25th chapter of Matthew always intrigued him. The door swung again as Misty finished the passage, and Toni asked a question. No one seemed to have looked up, but they had recognized Peter, some saluting him discreetly or throwing him a wink.

Toni's question sent KJ flipping through his Bible, and Thom filled the gap with a philosophical answer that provoked a rebuttal from Christy. Soon the majority of the minds in the room traded ideas, some becoming passionate, others more methodical. The regulars were impressed by John's input, and time flew by quickly. During that half-hour Nancy had arrived, along with Ana. Paul slid in quietly, too, and grabbed some floor where he could sit. Sean brought him up to speed: "Matthew 7:21," he whispered.

KJ was pleased. Good attendance. Good discussion. Good application. Nancy had helped connect the Scripture text to a man several of them had seen on their way in, shivering in the late evening hours--real life application. Ah, this was the Church. KJ felt happy; he felt comfortable. Masterfully, he wrapped up the evening, guiding them into a special time of prayer. He asked them to make a special prayer effort, for each person in the room, for those unable to be there, for the homeless and the hungry, and for Bill, a man from their church who had landed himself in jail.

The group eagerly joined in prayer. KJ played some worship music quietly in the background. Tucker and Ana were gently pacing as they prayed standing up. Paul prayed fervently aloud; Charlotte prayed no less intensely, but silently. They poured themselves into the moment, and then a peace settled in the room. They continued to rest in prayer, a couple of them stretching out on the floor, Jen rocking a little in her seat, KJ with his face in his hands. Three or four people hummed or sang softly; a couple drummed their hands on the floor.

The door opened again, but no one paid any attention. They were caught up in their prayer; they were used to people coming and going. Their prayers swelled to a well-known praise song. They smiled with their eyes closed, forgetting themselves briefly. It did not matter that Sean's head was drooping on his chest, an untamed snore sneaking out here and there. They did not see Misty dance across the room with a peculiar look in her eye; except for Christy, who also walked out the door with peaceful steps. Peter, already outside, stood humbly before a homeless man whose stature suggested not inferiority, but royalty. No longer was He shivering, but He was smiling. He reached up and knocked again, but no one inside heard it. A grimace of regret flashed through His eyes as He turned, put His arms around His friends, and continued His prayer, His communion with them as they walked toward Forever, together.

Meanwhile, KJ drew the evening to a close, not surprised that a few persons had checked out early. He made a few announcements as Ana and Jen prepared some snacks. Sean asked Toni to clarify a couple of the prayer requests he had missed, and Nancy and Thom began brainstorming about practical ways they could help their community. Paul and John still had their Bibles open, talking about how the sixth verse of the Matthew 25 passage could relate to Matthew 24:36-41. As a couple of the older persons rose to retire early, KJ called out, "See you next week! Same time, same place!"

(This story was written in November and is about more than Christmas; it is to remind the Church always to be ready. But tomorrow we celebrate the coming of Jesus--this Christmas, don't miss Jesus when He comes!)

A Rose From Home

A Rose From Home

My Story (As prepared for my church congregation this spring--2009)

I have a story to tell you. I am the main character, but the story is not about me. I have traveled several parts of the world, but my adventure has been closer to home. I am twenty-six years old. My story begins like many of yours…

I grew up going to church. I had been born into a family who labeled themselves “Christian,” in a country that labels itself “Christian.” Every Sunday found me attending a worship service and Sunday school in a mainline denomination church. I served as an acolyte, attended Vacation Bible School, helped my dad count and record the offering money, sang in the youth choir, was a leader in the youth group, and occasionally served as liturgist. Baptized as an infant, I was confirmed at the age of twelve, thus becoming an “official” member of the church. Then, hurt by the church, my family left to find another.

Have you ever been hurt by the Church?

After months of searching, we settled into a very large independent church. Things were different there, and I was quickly welcomed and at home among new friends that truly had a passion for Jesus. The Word of God was taught boldly from the pulpit, and I was introduced to a missions-aware lifestyle. So it was with regret that I said goodbye only a couple of years later to move with my family to another church. I purposely remained aloof, not wanting to make new friendships before I left for college a year later. Besides, I was loosing my faith—or so I thought—and I didn’t want anyone to know. I was asking scary questions like “Is there really a God?” and, if so, “Is He the Christian God?” and “Would I be Christian if I had been born in another part of the world?”

Have you ever asked yourself unsettling questions about what you believe?

So I headed into college under a cloud of confusion that only worsened for the next two years. Though I didn’t know what I believed anymore, I continued to go to church every Sunday, and to help lead worship in chapel. Most importantly, even during this questioning, I continued my morning habit of daily study of the Bible. I had begun at age twelve, reading at first a chapter per day, then ten minutes each morning, then an half-hour, and so on. So, only by the grace of the very God I doubted, I remained anchored in His Word and in His community, though I felt like a fake most of the time. Since then I have learned that “fake” is the worst insult the world can give us; that is why the label of “hypocrite” is so offensive.

Have you ever felt like a fake?

Six weeks with missionaries in South Africa followed by a year in France began to teach me what life with God is all about. I began rebuilding my faith, this time it belonged to me, in contrast to me borrowing the faith of my parents, church, or anyone else. In my parent’s basement in 2003, on either Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve, I invited Jesus to live in me; perhaps I had done so before, but I didn’t recall—but since 2003, I have never forgotten that moment. Unfortunately, nothing changed. I continued to do my best to act like a Christian, as I had done for so long.

Have you ever found yourself “doing your best” to be a good person, or to act like a Christian?

Though I did not realize it at the time, I was quenching the Spirit, even though I had welcomed Him into my life. During the next few years, the LORD continued to nurture me, and slowly things began to change. Several tough months in Idaho birthed my prayer-life. I spent three years being humbled in a job that was my informal seminary training. In 2007, a short stint in Mexico helped me to see things as they were, and not long afterward, I was baptized by immersion. No baptism of any kind can save a lost soul—only Jesus can do that. However, this baptism was an important covenant between me and God, symbolizing not only my death and resurrection with Jesus and my public profession of faith, but it also my life change, the beginning of my bearing fruit. “For each tree is known by its own fruit…”according to Luke 6:44. During the past year and a half, the LORD has provided me with an informal pastoral internship in my church, teaching me every aspect of discipleship. Simultaneously, I have been studying unceasing prayer and worship. I am now very different than I was five years ago.

In the Book of Acts (which tells the story of the earliest years of the Church) every time a person decided to follow Christ, two things took place—though not always in the same order. Each person experienced a life change, which I call the “baptism of repentance,” as well as the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, which I call the “baptism of the Spirit.” Looking back, I realize that the Holy Spirit was living in me in 2003, but it wasn’t until I surrendered everything to God, as represented by my immersion, that I allowed the Spirit to have His way in me and transform my life. “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now life in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. (Galatians 2:20)”

Have you invited Jesus to live in you? Have you allowed the Spirit to transform your life?

I tell you this story for two reasons. First, I tell this story in order to boast in the LORD! May God our Father get all praise and glory forever! Second, I tell this story because it is relevant to you. Likely you have heard that I am leaving the country: I have let my light shine before you; please let your light shine within the Church, too! This congregation is in revival, and as each of you allows the Spirit to revive you, the entire Church will be revived and utterly transformed, to the glory of the Most High God. And for His glory is the reason He created us; the reason He sent His only Son to reveal Himself to us; the reason He became Sin for us and died for us on the cross—while we were still sinners; and the reason that He conquered death and offered us eternal life with Him.

It will cost you a lot—in fact, it will cost you everything, your very life. But if you have never surrendered your life to Christ Jesus, if you have never invited Him to send His Spirit into you and to transform your life, then do it right now. Just let go of everything to which you are desperately clinging; stop trying to do it yourself! This is the very reason you are still breathing in this physical life—God has been delaying His judgment of this sinful world because He is waiting for you—2 Peter 3:9 says He wants none to perish!

If you have already invited the Spirit into your life, then live like it! Bear fruit! Anyone and everyone who meets you or knows you or sees you or hears you should know immediately and clearly that Jesus the Christ lives in you and loves them! That is how stark the contrast should be between your life and the world around you!

Have you immersed yourself in God’s Word and in prayer in the last twenty-four hours?

If you call yourself a follower of Christ, then there is no excuse for not communing with Him daily! Anchor yourself in the Word! God has revealed Himself to us through His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Bible is a complete and accurate record of that revelation. And prayer is humbly letting Him love us. Let Him love you! God doesn’t need us, but He wants us! God doesn’t need us to live for Him—He wants to live in and through us! Let us love and fellowship with one another, even when you disagree! Pray for each other—the names in the church directory are a great place to start! Church, we are not only the Body of Christ, but we are the Bride of Christ. We have allowed ourselves to get bedraggled and stained—now let us stand to the glory of God! Let’s let Him purify us, restore us, and love us!

My dear Brothers and Sisters, if you have ever once been blessed by God our Father at work in me, then I urge you, please, take seriously His desire to love and work in you, beyond anything you can ask or imagine! I have told you the beginning of my story—may it end in glory to the Father, in the Name of Jesus, by way of His Spirit.

Now, what is your story?