Location: Meeting Room at the base in Sighisoara, Romania, a little after 9:30pm on Sunday, the 15th of November.
Who is Pace?
I told you in my last post that I had a hot date with Miss Pace. But before all you romantics get too excited, let me tell you that "pace" is the Romanian word for peace (pronounced "pah-chey"). You know very well that I do not have time for girls right now, so of course it is not that kind of date! Some of you have been trying to marry me off for quite some time now. I pray for the girl who will marry me someday, because I already know that it will be hard to be married to me! But I learned a long time ago that my job is to focus on my Lord and the work He gives me, not to be distracted by pretty girls. Every country has hundreds of pretty girls! I am not looking for a pretty girl to marry; I will only marry the girl that God has prepared to join me in everything to which He has called me. So I am not looking for a wife--I trust my Father in that department, and that is the least of my concerns right now. I trust the Lord with everything, with my health, my money, my life, my work, etc. He has blessed me with so many things in which I can invest myself--I can wait until He is ready for me to invest in a marriage!
So back to my hot date! I like pretty well most of the folks I work with, but it is no secret that I was happy to learn that everyone I live with was going to be out of town this weekend! So I had the house to myself! I did laundry without waiting in line, I ate meals when I wanted to, I did not have to be quiet when I woke up early in the morning... It has been a glorious two days! It was dreary yesterday and rainy today, which was perfect. I spent wonderful time with God in worship. I read; I wrote some songs and a story (watch for them to be posted soon). I cooked marmaliga (a traditional Romanian dish made out of cornmeal), cleaned the bathroom and took out the trash, and worked on next week's Sunday school lesson. I had some good phone calls with folks in the States and friends in Romania. I enjoyed a great sermon at church this morning and was invited to a birthday party tonight (the photo shows the birthday boy, R., who is not only our beloved neighbor and fix-it man, but also the preacher this morning!). It was a wonderful weekend!
I carefully enjoyed this weekend, knowing that soon will be beginning our race toward Christmas as we prepare for special outreach programs and distributions. I also needed some "pace" after last week. We had some good days and some bad days, some rainy days and some sunny days. We are still seeing spiritual attack, as well as spiritual victories. Friday, I spent the evening with a church with whom we will be collaborating during Christmas. So it was a busy week, and this relaxing weekend was a nice punctuation mark.
I am coughing a little cough now and then. In addition, my church in Indianapolis had a very important weekend this weekend. Some friends and family are fighting illnesses and cancers, and others are making big decisions, two families are involved in adoptions, for instance. Romania has elections coming up next weekend, after the government pretty much disolved a couple of months ago. And I am still seeking to be a man of God, more each day. Those are my prayer requests.
But I am happy, and that is what I want you to remember. Not only happy, but full of a deep joy that runs beneath the ups and downs of life. I am loved by a mighty God who sent His Son to make sure we understood Who He is, and He loves you, too! Less and less do I have a home. More and more I have friends in every part of the world I have visited; more and more I rejoice as I see God at work in His Church all over the world. I am in this world, but not of it, and I am so delighted to be a child of God, one for whom He cares and provides, one whom He leads and protects and encourages and blesses. And since today's theme is "pace," you should know that in the midst of my decision-making, in the midst of cultural confusion and language acquisition, in the midst of communal living and strict schedules, in the midst of overwhelming societal problems and a seemingly dormant Church, I am at peace. God is in control, and I have learned time and time again that He is faithful and trustworthy--I trust Him.
Are you waiting for a story? Many of you like my little anecdotes. I guess I could tell you about seeing a mouse scurry across the dining room yesterday while I chatted with my parents on Skype. Or I could tell you about the two grown men at church who both got brooms stuck in an apple tree when they were standing in the rain trying to knock down apples for the gypsy boys who came to church this morning. (I tried to take a photo but sadly did not realize that my camera was set to "video"--sorry!) Or I could tell you about the live goat my friend saw in Cairo, sandwiched between a man and a woman riding on a motorscooter! Or I could tell you about the girls who told me that I was not very good at being a girl, since I was leading the girls on Friday as we started our weekly program. Or I could tell you about how all the kids in every village know me not just by my name or by my hat, but also by my shoe-size: 49 in Romanian sizes!
But the real story that I want to tell you is that each of us, wherever we are with whatever we have, can choose to let God live out His story in us, in a way that reaches far beyond anything we could ask or imagine. The proof? There is a certain cityboy from Indianapolis that is currently a favorite guest among gypsy villages in the hills of Romania, where he can barely speak the language, where he cannot buy shoes his size, and where only God knows what the future holds. I never planned to even visit Romania, yet here I am, and God is using me here in spite of my lack of training or qualifications. And there you are, reading my story, living your own, and you are seeing that despite the differences in the two, they are both a part of God's perfect story, His perfect plan.
I bless you, Brother; I bless you, Sister--in the Name of Jesus the Christ! Pace!