Location: In the Dining Room of the base in Sighisoara, Romania (Now it is 11:30pm on Sunday the 25th)
Wondering where those mountains are?
In our Dining Room! That is where I am sitting right now, and I wanted to attach a picture for those of you who prefer looking at pictures instead of reading epic blog posts!
In a little while, I will be leaving my spot to catch a train; I am looking forward to the week ahead. But I am also happy to have this time of waiting late at night. It gives me the opportunity to call some of you in the States, as well as to catch up on some computer work. For example, I updated my photos on the picasa site (see link to the right). Besides, my recent posts have not been very profound, and late night is a good incubator for profound thoughts!
Tonight, I got to watch night fall. It was beautiful!
I took a nap this afternoon, preparing for my sleepless night tonight. (This morning, worship-leading went fairly well--it was certainly lively!--but believe it or not, church was rather empty today, and there were no kids! So I stayed in worship rather than teaching during children's church!) When I woke up, the sun was dropping below the horizon, thanks to the hour time change that took place today. I decide to go fill up my water jug at the nearby spring. I like doing that for several reasons: 1.) it saves me buying water but is safer than tap-water, 2.) I get to walk through the village and say "hi" to all the neighbors, and 3.) it is a peaceful spot. When I arrived, I had to wait (like always) for someone else to fill up their jugs from the spring's trickle. They had 5 jugs, so it took some time!
While I waited, I watched night fall. I could feel the twilight wrap around me; I heard the sounds change into nocturnal melodies. The temperature cooled and the sky changed colors, making the trees transforming into mere shadows against the colorful curtain. And silently, behind me, the moon crept upward, wondering if I would notice it.
Do you ever feel like that? Maybe a little sorry that the beautiful day is coming to a close, wishing maybe you had more carefully enjoyed its daylight? Perhaps you have felt the same about a situation that is ending, sorry you had not engaged it more effectively. The moonrise was a comfort to me, reminding me that even as one season comes to a close, another is beginning. The opportunities of one day are replaced by those of another, not to be compared, but to be seized.
I sat on that grassy hillside, trying to guess how dark it would be when I returned with my water. I was enjoying the serenity of the evening after a simple day of worship and rest. My thoughts danced happily, reminding me how happy I am to be here. I love Romania! I love Sighisoara! The environs are beautiful, the people are priceless, and the history is fascinating. God is at work here, which means so am I! Sure, I face struggles, frustrations, tensions, and challenges, but life always includes those--with free refills! But I am so excited about all the Lord is doing here, the people He has sent here, the foundations He has laid, and the plans He has.
How true it is that the future is unknown by me. But it is also true that God has led me here, that He has provided for me, and that He has blessed me. Now, as I pray about today and tomorrow, about opportunities and challenges, I am filled with joy, and I boast in the Lord.
Look, if you are not a Christian, you may get tired of me mentioning Jesus. However, I cannot more tell about one day of my life without Jesus than bread can rise without yeast, or than a bird can fly without feathers. Let me tell you a little about where I am at from a Christian perspective--please bear with me.
I have prayed about why the Lord has brought me to Romania and France from the United States. Somehow, He has connected those three countries in my heart, though they make an unlikely trio. One night when I was praying, He helped me understand the relationship.
Romania is primarily Orthodox Christian, and its people are trying to cover up the scars of Communism as they seek a better life and economy for themselves. France is primarily Catholic Christian, and her people proudly search to preserve their identity and affluence while strategically positioning themselves in the international geopolitik. The United States is primarily Protestant Christian, and Americans are worrying about the sagging Dollar and terrorist threats. All three nations are in a sad state of affairs, not realizing that the paths they have chosen will only lead them to destruction. Sadly, though many citizens of each country attend a church service on a semi-regular basis, there are numerous church-goers who do not know the Jesus that they supposedly worship. They do not understand that thanks to His Spirit that was given to live in us, we can personally relate to the Son of the almighty, infinity God who revealed Himself to us in human form, in the person of Jesus Christ. They do not realize that Christianity is not about a religion with traditions and rules to follow, but that it is about relating to the heart of God, and letting Him do what is best for you, His beloved! They do not understand that the Church is not a building or denomination, but that it is the family of His beloved children, loving one another in practical ways!
God made me understand that if the Orthodox Church in Romania, the Catholic Church in France, and the Protestant Church in America would allow Him to revive and transform it into such a living organism with helping hands of love and feet willing to go the extra mile, these people would be able to have a tangible hope. In fact, He helped me to see that these nations will never be stable or successful until the Church with in them is transformed. Then we will see the nations changed, influencing other peoples and other countries, having a true value that is unrelated to global hierachies, to economies, or to military might.
Let me, a happy-to-be-single man, give you some marriage advice. If you are looking to find happiness in marriage, you will never find it, and you will make some man or woman miserable. You must first surrender yourself, realizing that the Lord can offer you more than any human being, understanding that He loves you more than any other person ever could! Let me remind you that He knows what is best for you and wants it, and He has the power to bring it about. So be satisfied to be "married" to the Lord--then, and only then, will you be able to enjoy marriage with a human being.
God is the source of happiness, of value, of power, of love. People and even nations are seeking these things elsewhere, to the detriment of themselves and others. Even in the Church, "Christians" are seeking happiness, value, power, and love in programs, in traditions, in images, in other people, in money, and in knowledge. But when they are ready to let the Lord be Lord, to let Him be sovereign in their lives--WOW! You will be stunned. What if the Church was married to Jesus first, what if He were Her first love, before anything else in this world? It is hard to imagine the wonders the Lord will do with a Church who is surrendered and obedient to Him, with people who love Him and let Him love through them, who believe that He is faithful and just, and who let Him work freely in their lives!
People look at me, and they wonder at my faith. They wonder at my lifestyle, asking why a fairly successful, fairly intelligent fellow is living in Romania, doing ministry in a "Christian" nation. They wonder why I am not married, why I do not have a house or a nice job. They wonder at my choices, my words, and my actions. I look at them, and I wonder why they have so much trouble seeing God at work in and around them, why they cannot understand God's desire for His people, for His Church. Sure, night might be falling, but the moon is rising! And tomorrow, the sun will return anew, bringing with it a new day!
That is what I saw when I was watching night fall...