Location: Back home(?) on my bed in Sighisoara, Romania, at nearly 11:00pm on Sunday, September 20th.
I know, I promised to write more about Sighisoara and my thoughts and feelings during this first week or so of transition...and I will. But first, I have to tell you about this weekend! I tell it because I want to boast in the LORD! Only He could have orchestrated such a fantastic two days, and I was richly blessed! I had anticipated an exhausting weekend, and instead it was refreshing and encouraging!
(This is a true story!)
As you will recall, I left early Saturday morning to walk to the bus station in Sighisoara. Thanks be to God, I found it with no trouble, and after a bit of a wait, the right minibus arrived and I climbed abord. My driver looked like Elvis and drove like the Dukes of Hazard, but all in all, it was an uneventful trip--I arrived in Cluj safely and on time, if a little car-sick.
I studied Romanian for a little while and then met up with my two friends who arrived, and we caught a tram to the central park in Cluj for the civil ceremony of the wedding. There were literally dozens of weddings taking place, and the brides were lined up as though they had taken a number like in a customer-service queue. Some of you know that I am not a big fan of weddings in general, so you can imagine that it was a nightmare-come-true to be surrounded by so much matrimony! But joking aside, it was wonderful to see my friends from Cluj, those who were getting married and those attending as guests.
Let me tell you about the wedding--it is a testimony to the grace and grandeur of God (may He get the glory!). My friends both are persons with disabilities, wonderful blessings who are nonetheless the kind of people that foolish people might suppose would never get married. One was raised in an orphanage where he had to make do without a wheelchair. Now they are revolutionizing their city by bringing together people who are often overlooked by their neighbors. A very large number of the guests were persons with disabilities, and some of the other young men from the orphanage were there, too. What is awe-insipiring is watching all of these men and women of God care for one another with a love that can only come from Jesus--I love my Cluj friends!
So we left the park to go to an Orthodox church. In case you are unaware, you stand during an Orthodox service. So we stood for an hour-and-a-half or two hours before they announced that the service would contine for another long while, and we were given permission to be seated. I have to admit that though I understand only a little of all the Romanian that is spoken, the Orthodox service makes me sad because so many things constrain what should be a liberating relationship with Jesus. But I enjoyed absorbing the new experience while praying for Holy-Spirit transformation for the Orthodox Church--after all, the Catholic and Protestant Churches are also filled with misguided persons who do not truly know Jesus. Oh, how I long for the day when every person in a church building knows the amazing God who is the Head of the Church body! May the Church of every denomination be purified and radically transformed into a beautiful, spotless Bride for Christ!
We left the Orthodox service early to prepare for the reception. I was asked to help the guest up two flights of stairs, especially guests in wheelchairs. But it was worth the effort, for the many faces in the room were plastered with bright smiles during the whole evening. I enjoyed visiting with friends I had not seen in a while, as well as some new ones. God is certainly working through these folks in Cluj!
The night ended with a visit to the train station to wait with a friend for a late train, and then a late night discussion with another friend before sleeping off the busy day.
I rested well, and I thank you for your prayers, because day one had certainly gone well, despite me fighting a little food-related illness during my travels and the wedding. God was watching out for me, and that was only the beginning! The next morning, I made it to the bus station without mishap, and soon I was enjoying the sunrise en route to Bistrita. I dozed quite a bit, but I was alert when we entered town. Despite that fact, I was surprised when the bus driver got up out of his seat to inform a confused ME that I was supposed to get off on the street corner; I thought we were going to the bus station. So I reentered some serious prayer as I tried to figure out where to go from there. Fortunately, God quickly led me to the bus station, where I arrived just in time to catch a bus that happened to be going through the small village to which I was headed. I had to sit in a jump seat facing the crowd of other passengers, but I was on my way, for six lei (less than two dollars)! Then I had to call out to the driver to stop as we sped through the village; since he was jabbering into a cell phone, I was not convinced he was going to stop!
So I found myself on the side of a highway running through a small gypsy village in the middle of nowhere. Thanks to the Lord, there were other people on the side of the road, and most seemed to be headed in the same direction. So I crossed the street and walked straight up to a young couple who looked American, and I began to follow them (they only seemed slightly concerned). My friend, K., had told me there were 80 Americans ministering in the village, so I thought I had a good chance of finding some! I had arrived just in time for church, and as we arrived on the doorstep of the church, K. suddenly walked out, and after a double-take, welcomed me a big hug! I had no idea how I would get home in the evening, but I had made it!
The church was packed thanks to the 80 Americans and the three baptisms scheduled to take place, so again I found myself standing for worship for several hours. But I was happy, and feeling much healthier than the day prior. After church, I was invited to lunch with K.'s mission team, so I pitched in my train mix and joined them. As the blessings stacked up, I also laughed when I was blessed to meet a gal I had gone to college with eight years ago! (Many of you know I went to a tiny college in a tiny town in Indiana, so it is just hilarious to meet up with an alumnae in a tiny village in Romania on the other side of the world!) How great is our God!
Still praying about how I would get home for work tomorrow morning, I suddenly learned that the group's plans had changed, and they would be leaving town at 3pm! Ordinarily, that would have been bad news for me, because it would force me to cut my visit short. However, it turned out that they would be driving through Sighisoara, and they had room on their coach bus for me! What a miracle! I got to visit with K. for two more hours and then was dropped practically at my doorstep, no back-tracking or bus schedules necessary! And instead of arriving home after midnight, I was back by about 6pm!
To top off a great weekend, I came home to find that God had provided a whole bag-full of winter clothes for me. I also got to talk to my family via the computer, and K.'s parents. Ironically, my parents had sent me photos of my former boss from college whom they had seen over the weekend--another blessing! I cannot tell you how rejuvenated I am after such a weekend!
The only downside is a prayer request... Please pray for N., the infant son of the missionaries with whom I work here in Sighisoara. He is evidentally sick and having trouble keeping food down, and they may have to take him to the hospital.
Thanks so much for your prayers. I had prayed a lot about this weekend, knowing that there was only a slight chance I would find K., and figuring I would be completely worn out after so many adventures. But look how the Lord answers prayer! It was not my prayers that were powerful, but it was our God, and I believe He was pleased to receive our prayers. I certainly never would have made it except for His mighty work! Thank you so much--I needed this weekend, and I appreciate your prayers. Thank you, Lord God--I cannot thank You enough!
I hope to post this tomorrow morning, along with pictures if some of them turned out. For now, it is goodnight: Noapte buna! (I'm sure my 8 roommates wish you the same! They were terribly excited after a terrific day of ministry! Please pray for them as they will lead an outreach with us tomorrow evening--Monday--in the tough community in which I live and work.)