Location: A shady corner of the porch overlooking mountains to my left and the camp's basketball court to my right; it is about 4:30pm on Friday, the 14th of August.
Yesterday about this time, I sat down to write this post, but alas, it never happened. You see, duty calls, and here it calls frequently and unexpectedly. As you can see in the photos, we are hard at work here! My buddy G. enjoys looking like one of the original Ghostbusters with his leaf-blower strapped on his back, and he enjoys being haunted by the souls in the kitchen, especially the one he is married to! The other one is showing you the mashed-potato mess that kept me from posting this update yesterday. And by the way, I included the headless photo of G. so that you could see the weedwacker at the bottom (it was strapped to me) so that you would not think I was on vacation while my friends were working!
The other picture is of A., and I took it this after lunch out the back of our dishroom. I wanted you to see another beautiful picture of what ministry looks like. Not long ago, it looked like cleaning out gutters and saying hello in what is now my daily rendez-vous with our nearly 80-year-old neighbor. Sometimes it looks like cooking for ninety people. But early this afternoon, it looked like a tired A. taking a moment from her busy day to sit and talk to a tiny French girl, reminding the latter that no matter what, she is valuable and loved. It was a fleeting moment, but one I hope not to forget for a long time.
So yes, it has been busy, but less busy for me than the previous camp. Not only did we restructure our workload, but I changed my schedule so that I could make it to morning worship and teachings, doing my work in the afternoons as much as I can. This means that I miss out on all of the hikes and rock-climbing, etc., but it is a more manageable pace, with more peace. And though I participated in the Australian bush dancing last night(!), and helped out a little with the Western night a couple of nights ago, I often cut out the evening activities so I can get a little sleep. I am now sharing a room with four other guys, soon to be five.
But back to work! They say here that I do the work of six men! I am not so sure about that. You may know that I work hard and enjoy working, but I am making sure to repose as I need to. And G. and S. and C. and the others around here are workhorses themselves, so I think my accomplished tasks are being slightly exaggerated! Nonetheless, they will assure you that my appetite at meals is not exaggerated, and I quickly earned the reputation for eating the food of ten men! I will let you decide if that is because my friends the cooks are excellent at their work, or if it is simply because I work hard enough to get rather hungry, but I humbly admit that this is less of an exaggeration and my meals usually prove my reputation true.
Nonetheless, I hope that much more than my reputation for a hearty appetite or even hard work precedes me in the next steps on my lifes journey. As I pray and discuss opportunities with my family, friends, and mentors, I am leaning toward committing to a four-month internship in Romania that will begin in September. But wherever I go, I hope that I am seen not as a bottomless appetite, not as a tireless laborer, but as a humble vessel astounded to have been chosen by the Most High God to house His Holy Spirit and live His message of Truth and Hope in Jesus Christ.
You are by now familiar with the situation. I am cleaning toilets and washing dishes in France. Before this month, I washed dishes in a small village in Northern France, and I also washed dishes in Romania. Some people think I am on a great vacation. Others think I am wasting the skills, resources, and youth God has given me. Some declare that I just need to marry and settle down into real life. Many seem to think I am completely lost and searching for an unknown something. Maybe there is truth in all of these.
Yet it is these same people that ask me when next I will be back in their neighborhood. These same people ask me to pray for them. These same people tell me of their longings to experience what I have seen or done. These same people often dread their 9 to 5 jobs, feel chained to their responsibilities, or believe that happiness is a thing of fairy-tale endings.
I am the first to admit that my life is unlike most others. I did not forsee it looking like this, and few others would have predicted it correctly, either. But I love it! Everyday, God teaches me something new! Everyday, I am happy to be alive! I am blessed to know hard work, to meet people all over the world, to have to trust in the Lord. Few people are free to stop and talk with someone on the side of the road, or to play with a child, or listen to a neighbor tell of the good old days. Few people get to immerse themselves in international hospitality, breathe the success of challenges met, get to live out their answers to the world's "why?'s". Few people get to know the God of the Universe personally through His Son Jesus Christ; too often instead they get distracted by the broken institutions of Christiandom or the hypocritical religious folks try to make of God idols or images that the rational brain can easily grasp.
I, on the other hand, have these privileges. I have the privilege of having time to work, to help, to listen, to laugh, to play, to sit in silence, to rest. I have the honor of knowing people all over the world, not great and famous names, but everyday names, people from the storybook of real life. And I have the blessing of knowing my Savior, Jesus, intimately, and having His Spirit living in and through me, leading and teaching and using me for the Father's glory.
You can, too.
Do not quit your job. Do not jump out of an airplane. Do not purchase a vintage Corvette.
But ask yourself what is important in life. What really matters? And invest yourself in it. Invest yourself so fully that you could never go back. Invest yourself so entirely that it requires all of who you are and what you have. Invest yourself so completely that you cannot be known apart from it.
"Who does that?" you ask? "Won't people think I'm crazy?" you wonder?
Sure, people will think you are crazy, but who cares what they think? Maybe you think I am crazy, but that is what I have done.
I realized that a life of complete obedience and dedication to the God who revealed Himself through Jesus Christ is the only life worth living. And that is what you are seeing in me. It would look different in other people, I am sure. Neither do I know what it will look like tomorrow or further into the future. But I do know this:
I think YOU are crazy if you stay stuck in a miserable rut from which you could escape.
If your life has purpose, happiness, and value, then praise God and thank Him for it every day. May it continue as long as you live, and may the length of your life be eternity with your Father!
But if you feel worthless, susceptible to everyone else's opinions, miserable, lost, confused, jealous, or hopeless, maybe it is time for a change. Maybe what you initially though was important is not. Maybe what the world exalted as valuable turned out to be a cheap imitation.
I will never try to get you to follow the life I am living. I will never be able to convince you that what I think is best really is. But if you are at a loss to figure out what is important in life, what gives purpose, what makes sense, I would highly recommend you look into knowing a man called Jesus. I am not talking about the Jesus painted into medieval icons, nor the Jesus screamed by frenzied evangelists, nor the Jesus etched into the wrinkles of lifeless parishioners. I am talking about the Jesus who is the living Son of God, who came to reveal His Father to us, to make knowable the amazing Author of all life and love, to invite us to step into a very real life of relationship with Him. Look into Him in the Bible: check out the New Testament books of Mark or John. Pray what may seem like an empty prayer to Him who may seem like an imaginary deity, and ask God to reveal Himself to you in a way you can understand. Ask someone you respect who claims to know this Jesus, and decide for yourself if he or she truly does.
Do not take my word for it. Do not even take my life for it. Take His. He gave His life so that you and I might have the opportunity to live it. It would be a shame to waste it.
That said, back to the work of six men, or maybe of just One. I bless you in His Name, the Name of Jesus.