Location: J's apartment in Sighisoara, Romania, at nearly midnight on the night of February 20 (almost the 21st).
My buddy J. is on a work-related phone call with America right now in the room next door, but since it is his apartment, and I rarely stay here on Sunday nights, I cannot complain. Instead, I will make uses of the time to explain why I am town still tonight.
Today was a day full of blessings; it was one of those days when God's plans looked very different from mine, so living according to His plans was a wild ride--literally.
Yesterday found me visiting Sibiu with some of the American students. The rainy day hampered the tour a bit, but we had a nice day, especially when I got to introduce M. from Sighisoara to M. from Hunedoara--two of my friends who are very similar and whom I had been wanting to introduce for a long time. Last night though, the rain turned to snow. Last night, I thought it was pretty. This morning, I thought it was a shame I had to go pick up people for church, because it would have been a good day to stay in the village. I had no idea . . . .
I hopped in the Dacia a little later than I wanted to leave this morning, so I drove a little faster than I should have on the very snowy road. I knew it was fast, but I thought it was still a safe enough speed; after all, a lot of the rural roads in Romania get better when it snows. So I was singing a song from Deuteronomy 6:4 when the car started sliding. As usual, I stayed calm, and corrected a bit to the right. As the car continued to slide, I corrected back to the left thinking, "Don't over-correct." By the time I had to correct back to the left, I knew I was in trouble. Praying the whole time, and still calm, I realized I was headed over the embankment. I told the Lord I was ready, and hung on, thanking Him that the car did not flip when it went up on two wheels. I was surprised at how smoothly I slid down the hill; I was not whipped or thrown around at all. The car came to a stop in a muddy field with the hatch up against the bank--there would be no going backwards!
I sat in the car feeling stupid that I had crashed (I am a veteran driver with many miles under my belt, even in the snow), thankful that the Lord had been so gracious, and guilty that I was in my friend's car, who already thinks I break everything. On top of that, I had just had the brakes repaired! Figuring I had destroyed the car, I called the people I was supposed to pick up, and then called my neighbor to come help me out. Actually, I scoped out an escape route and tried getting it out myself, but to no avail. You see, I found out that not only was I not hurt in any way at all, but the car had very little damage and was still driveable.
While my Swiss neighbor, U., and his family were on the way, another car stopped, and a couple of guys helped me. We managed to get the car out of the field and back on the road, but I felt bad that one of the guys got sprayed with mud as he pushed! As I told you, I was praying the whole time, and I remained calm. After I was back on the road, I went toward home far enough to meet U. and tell him, "thanks anyway," and then turned around and headed to town. Not only did I make it in time for church, but I was hit with blessing after blessing today: God is SO good!
One highlight . . . last night, God asked M. to pray for a young couple we know who have been going through a rough spell in their marriage. We wanted to visit them today, and would you believe that I found them at my church when I got there?! They usually go to another church. So I cornered them and told them they had lunch plans; the four of us had the most amazing lunch fellowship discussing all of the good things God has done in our lives. When was the last time that you spent your time conversing with other Christians about the good things God has done in your life? Too often we spend our time whining or complaining or joking, and we do not talk about the most important Person in our lives, and all of the blessings He has given us!
That is why I am risking worrying you by telling you this story: I have to boast in the LORD! How good is God! God blessed me with a car to drive for a month. Then, not only was I able to drive the car out of the mess I got it in, but I was completely unscathed myself. (If you do not believe me, my entire church and my friends M. and J. saw me today, so they can vouch that I am not hurt in any way. Mom and Dad, this is especially for you; thanks for your prayers.) I am staying in town to have a mechanic friend look it over in the morning, but there was no serious damage because the Lord sent me between the telephone pole and the tree that I could have hit, and cushioned my two-meter descent with snow and mud. I had friends I could call to help me get unstuck, yet God even sent strangers to help me. The temperature was right about at freezing, so it was not nearly as cold as in past weeks, and my "incident" happened just before I would have lost my cell phone signal, so I was able to call for help. Then I was able to drive safely to town and to church, to bless others, and to be overwhelmed by amazing blessings in a wonderful day!
(Here is a post-script written on the 21st of February... I am very happy I had the accident! Not only was it a great reminder of God's grace, protection, provision, and power, but it also spawned bunches of blessings. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting with my mechanic friend from the Baptist church and talking about life with Jesus. And would you believe it if I told you that I threw a car over a two-meter drop-off into a field, and there is nothing wrong with the car? The right side turn-signal cover had been knocked loose, but I had retrieved it from the snow and threw it in the trunk; today we were able to put it back on. Two screws was all it took to put the fender back in place, and a little bending of the hood made it close properly again. If you looked at the car not knowing what happened yesterday, you would never guess! So I had to buy no parts, and the brake repair before the accident was more costly--time and money--than the accident itself! And yet, when I arrived home today, U. told me that when he saw where I had gone over the edge, he could not believe I was still able to drive the car! What a miracle!)
We have a great God. Thanks be to God for His mercy and grace! And I want to thank you for all of your prayers. In fact, one man I was supposed to pick up for church told me that God had told him to pray for me and the car this morning, right at the time I was diving off the road! Our God is so faithful, that I cannot begin to convey the idea clearly enough!
Next time you are having a bad morning, I want you to remember that the same day that I planted a car in a field in the morning turned out to be one of the most blessed days I have had in a long time. God's plans are not ours! May your days be blessed, even without car accidents. But if bad things do happen, stay calm, trust God, and keep praying. There are people praying for you, and there are blessings to come! Best of all, Jesus loves you! Do you believe it? Live like you do!